Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Getting To Know Me: For Real

Hi, it’s me, Stellar, and welcome to Stellar in Neverland! Updates for today:
-I know I’ve promised a review of Taylor Swift’s Reputation album for weeks, but it’s STILL not on Spotify so I can’t listen to it and write the review. When will my post come out? Whenever she puts it on Spotify, which, by the looks of it, won’t be anytime soon.
-I feel like for the past few weeks I’ve done nothing but music posts. I’m sorry about that, it’s just that I really like writing about music. I did say in the first post that you can expect a lot of music posts from me, haha. I’ll try to mix it up, which brings me to this week’s post.

Speaking of my first post, I was thinking about it and I realized that I never gave a proper introduction to myself. Most of what I explained in the first post was solely about the blog. You don’t actually know much about ME as a person. This post is just about the little random things about me, and it’s arguably what the first post should have been. It’s also a way to mix things up from the music posts I’ve been doing so often as of late.

What I did was I looked up “getting to know you questions” on Google and found one that I thought would work. It has an appropriate number of questions (25) and it’s not too little-kid-ish or too deep. These are just simple random questions that will hopefully tell you quite a bit about me:
Image result for getting to know you questions
I found this on Google Images, but it originated from here

  1. (If you could buy anything in the world, what would it be?) A dog. For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted a dog, but my parents have never let me get one. This past summer I went through a phase where I was really obsessed with my wanting of one. I know they’re a lot of hard work, but I’m willing to take the challenge because they’re so cute and the bond between dog and owner is really special. I specifically want a Labrador Retriever because I think they’re the cutest.
  2. (What are you good at?) Most school subjects, writing, Just Dance, Name That Tune, and saying hilariously stupid things.
  3. (What aren’t you so good at?) Most sports, being concise, talking to people, singing, and being patient.
  4. (What do you want for your birthday/Christmas?) My go-to answer for the longest time was a phone, but I got one about a month ago (I’m actually writing this post in the Notes app on it on the way home from a class trip, FYI). Now my answer is the same as the answer for #1: a dog.
  5. (What is love?) I feel like this is a random question and I don’t know why it’s here. Anyways, to me, love is the feeling where you’re so happy and overjoyed that you feel like can do anything. You want nothing more than to be with the person or thing you love.
  6. (What is your favorite animal?) A dog, but when it comes to wild animals, I’d say giraffes, dolphins, or sea turtles.
  7. (What is your favorite book?) The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I read it in my eighth grade English class and it’s been my #1 ever since.
  8. (What is your favorite color?) Pink. It used to be blue but then I got sick of blue because every Christmas I would get nothing but blue sweatshirts and sweaters and it got to the point of exhaustion. I don’t know why I switched to pink exactly.
  9. (What is your favorite game to play?) Depends on what kind of game we’re talking. My favorite non-electronic game is Apples to Apples or Catchphrase, my favorite video game is Just Dance or MarioKart, and my favorite sport is Netflix. Which is to say that I don’t play sports.
  10. (What is your favorite movie?) My second-ever post was a Top 10 Favorite Movies list, so I’d suggest you just read that. Link is here.
  11. (What is your favorite number?) 22. When I was in the third grade each student was assigned a “number” to put on everything after our names, and mine was 22. It’s not that third grade was a particularly great year for me or anything, it’s just that I got so used to putting the number 22 on everything that it became my favorite. Then I learned my dad’s football number in high school was 22, and it REALLY became my favorite.
  12. (What is your favorite song?) “Shut Up And Dance” by Walk The Moon. I loved it when it first came out and I’ve continued to love it. It’s one of those songs that will always make me smile no matter how many times I hear it. (And trust me, I’ve heard it A LOT. It was so overplayed back in 2015.)
  13. (What is your favorite thing to do?) Eat, sleep, watch Netflix, write, repeat.
  14. (It’s “What is your favorite thing to do?” again and I don’t feel like answering it twice, so I’ll change it to be “What is your LEAST favorite thing to do?”) Be bored.
  15. (What is your favorite thing to eat?) Pasta is my #1 but I like a lot of foods. I have a hard time refusing pretty much any dessert, and I love bread in general.
  16. (What is your favorite toy?) Okay, maybe this is more little-kid-ish than I thought. I’m 15 so I don’t play with very many toys, haha. Does my phone count as a toy? Otherwise, I have a few Beanie Boos that I just like because they’re cute and good to snuggle with on long car rides. Yes I sleep with stuffed animals occasionally. Shut up.
  17. (What is your favorite TV show?) I’ll probably make a whole post about this entire topic similar to the Favorite Movies one I did a while ago. Right now (well not right this minute,but you know what I mean) I’m watching Jane the Virgin, which Banana_Elephant got me into. It’s basically the American version of a telenovela and it’s so good, probably my favorite show I’ve watched thus far. I’m obsessed.
  18. (What is your least favorite thing to eat?) Onions. I have an irrational hatred of onions. They’re gross. I also really hate artificial banana flavoring, black licorice, and tomatoes.
  19. (What makes you angry?) Prejudice and ignorance. Race, gender, sexuality, and religion are not at all valid reasons to be hateful and if you support being hateful because of those things, Get. Off. My. Blog.
  20. (What makes you happy?) Being with my family and friends, comfort food, good music, and doing things I’m proud of.
  21. (What makes you sad?) Cancer. Many people I know and love have dealt with the disease so I have lots of experience with it, but it’s still tragic. It’s just a horrible, horrible thing. Some other things that make me sad are mass shootings and terrorist attacks. Anything involving innocent people being taken from this world too soon makes me feel terrible.
  22. (What makes you scared?) Death and heights.
  23. (What would you like to be when you grow up?) I wrote a whole lecture about how I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up in my 5 Things You Might Not Know About Me post here. You should read that instead.
  24. (What is your favorite place to go?) My room. I’m really lazy and I spend hours upon hours in my room. It’s in the basement and it’s the biggest bedroom in the house. I’m really fortunate to have it and I call it my dungeon.
  25. (Who is your best friend?) Either Banana_Elephant or Doglover, as they were known on the Brick Wall. I mention them in pretty much every post because they mean the world to me. They've been with me throughout my best and worst times, and I don't know what I'd do without them. 
That’s all I have for this week! I'm not ENTIRELY sure what next week's post will be, but there's like a 90% chance it will be a sequel to this post. Either way, I’ll see you then. I’m Stellar in Neverland, signing off. Peace!


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