Hey, it's me, Stellar in Neverland. Brief updates:
-This is my last week of driver's ed, so I should have a normal posting schedule after this one. I'll let you know if things change.
-This is also my school's homecoming week, so things will be hectic. Next week's post will be another Life post (like the first day of school one from a few weeks ago) where I talk about that, specifically the dance, which has always been my favorite part of homecoming.
Now that that's out of the way, this is a part 2 to last week's post, Top 10 Worst not_luna_lovegood Posts On The Brick Wall (Self-Deprecation Part 1). You should probably read that before you read this one. Last week I counted down the tenth-to-sixth-worst posts I published on The Brick Wall, the blog I made with my friends in middle school. I'm doing this because I want to show that I've said a lot of stupid stuff, but I've improved a lot as a writer and I love self-deprecation. We're only limiting this to posts made by not_luna_lovegood (my former alias) because I would feel bad insulting my friends. Now let's finish this!
#5. Updates/Fangirling with not_luna_lovegood
Back in sixth and seventh grade, I was a fangirl...ugh. Just that label makes me cringe. It's not like I'm not a fan of anything, because that's obviously false. I like a lot of things. It's the title of "fangirl" and the association with the embarrassing times of my life where I proudly donned that label that I can't deal with. In hindsight, this post is the epitome of everything that made past me so cringeworthy. We start off with a few brief updates, probably not longer than the updates I start every post here with. Then we get to the fangirling, which is just horrible. How was I ever able to use the word "fangirl" or any of its derivative forms and not cringe? First I talk about Pitch Perfect 2, which I still think is a pretty great movie. This part isn't really that embarrassing because I stand by most of the things I said there. The only really bad part is the last line, the "but it is SO funny" part. I don't know why, but the random all-caps on "so" just annoys me. It feels weirdly pretentious. Next we have me talking about Dancing with the Stars (which actually inspired one of the few good posts I made on the Brick Wall). It's short so I'll just ignore it. The worst part is last, where I talk about Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" music video and how it was the best music video ever or something. I hate this part because...well, I hinted at this in the first part but I really don't like Taylor Swift anymore. 2015 me was a big Swiftie, but 2017 me can't stand her. I hate most of her music ("Style" is the big exception, but I have soft spots for "Blank Space" and "Mean" as well). I hate the way she tries so hard to be relatable (she's all "I'm totally a normal person teehee I just like to bingewatch Friends on Netflix and fangirl and bake cookies with my friends and play with my cats!") when she's really not (sadly, most of us aren't selling out arenas or being friends with Beyonce). I hate how she insists on shoving her "squad" in your face (which is actually the reason why I hate the "Bad Blood" video). I hate how she can't take criticism and always plays the victim. I hate how the media never shuts up about her. They act like she's Jesus Christ and they expect us to act like she's Jesus Christ when in reality, most of us don't care about who she's dating or beefing with. And most of all, I hate how I used to call myself a fan. To sum it up, my reasons for this post's inclusion on the list come down to "I hate my fangirl past and Taylor Swift."
#4. My Top 10 Favorite SpongeBob SquarePants Episodes (Parts 1 and 2)
This doesn't make the list because I suddenly stopped liking SpongeBob. Even though it went significantly downhill in quality over time, I'm always going to adore that show. It's a classic. It also doesn't make the list because I disagree with my picks. If I were to make a SpongeBob list today, most of them would probably make it (although "Jellyfish Jam", "Culture Shock", "Something Smells", "Rock-a-Bye Bivalve", and "Chocolate with Nuts" are notable omissions). This post made the list because I DON'T EVEN TALK ABOUT WHY I LIKE THE EPISODES FOR MORE THAN THREE SENTENCES. This post is long, so long that I split it into two parts, but very little of it is actually about why I like each episode. Most of it is just summarizing each episode, and the summaries are long. What I should have done is briefly summarize each episode and have the majority of it be about why each episode made the list, but I did the opposite, which is stupid. A list like that should provide insight about my opinions, not just summaries with the opinions listed as an afterthought). If you want summaries, you can just go to Wikipedia and look them up. I don't want to be Wikipedia. That's not who I am. This post is horrible, but unlike the next entry, I don't think I'll ever redo it because my opinions are mostly the same, give or take a few episodes. And speaking of that next entry...
#3. My Top Ten Favorite Movies By: not_luna_lovegood
If you saw my new My Top Ten Favorite Movies post, than you probably could have seen this one coming. I put this post this high because my hatred of it is what inspired me to create Stellar in Neverland so therefore it has sentimental value to me. I explained it a little in that post, so I'll copy and paste what I said there:
"I'm honestly not too proud of that post in hindsight, and a big part of the reason why this blog exists is because I want to remake it. That's partially because of the choices (Some of these movies are going to appear on this list, but others I just don't like as much anymore), but mostly because I don't like how I explained my opinions in that post. It was so fill-in-the-blank. "The acting is ________. I love the _________. The plot is _________. The movie is overall ________." That's how every entry feels like, and that's not a good explanation of why I love those movies. This post is different, because I'm going to explain what each movie means to me personally. I want this to feel more like an emotional commentary on movies that changed my life, instead of a Mad Libs that barely praises the movies in question."
I could just leave it at that and call it an adequate explanation for why this post sucks, but nope. I'm going to talk about how much I disagree with those choices. The Lion King and Wreck-It Ralph are both really good but there are definitely Disney movies I love more. I was really into The Hunger Games when I was in middle school (it was one of the main subjects of my fangirling), and while I still like the first two books, I think the movies are overrated. I also really don't like Jennifer Lawrence and I think she's overrated as well. Then there's Despicable Me 2 which shouldn't've made the list because the only thing it has to offer is humor. It's nowhere near as well-rounded as other animated movies that made my new list (also the minions are annoying). I'm also legitimately sick of quite a few of the movies that made the list, such as Monsters, Inc. and Wreck-It Ralph. I'm going to end this by plugging the previously linked new Top Ten Favorite Movies. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT IF YOU HAVEN'T. I am so proud of that post. It's my baby.
#2. Music Mondays With not_luna_lovegood #3
When I talk about this post and its crappiness, I'm referring to both the original, which I deleted after two days, and its updated version. The post started out as a rant about "#selfie" by The Chainsmokers and why it's the worst song of 2014 or something. It was written three years ago, so my memory has faded a little, but from what I remember, it was messy. So messy that my friends specifically had to email me telling me they were disappointed by it. I was pretty mad about that at first (you guys don't have to roast me, I can do it myself!), but yeah, they were right. It was just me going through all the lyrics and providing "funny" commentary which probably wasn't even that funny. I kept talking about the "basic white girl" stereotype when I didn't even really know much about it. There's also the fact that "#selfie" isn't a serious song and I shouldn't've treated it like so. But the worst part was, as cited by the updated version, when I spoiled Quidditch_Turtle's post on selfies. The exact quotes (the only quotes from the original that still exist) were:
"I have literally no idea what to post...*goes and looks at Quidditch_Turtle's post for the next Whatever Wednesdays* GOT IT!"
"I didn't tell you what Quidditch_Turtle's next article is about on purpose. You'll have to wait until Wednesday to see, if you couldn't guess already!"
My friends called me out for this as well, and they totally should have. It was wrong of me to look ahead at what my friends were posting and we made it a rule that nobody could do the same ever again, which was a good decision. However, not only was the now-nonexistent original terrible, the updated apology was equally terrible. It begins with a half-hearted apology (because I was still secretly a little salty about getting called out for writing a crappy post) and then goes to more Billboard schtick. Like the "Summer Songs" post I mentioned in the first one, this doesn't have commentary or anything insightful added to the songs except for this little zinger at the end:
"I don't really have any comments on the songs. I don't know, but it seems like pop music has been getting kinda boring and repetitive lately. It seems like all the songs are either about love, partying, or inappropriate stuff which I will not mention because we like to keep things appropriate at the Brick Wall. I miss the days when pop music was more interesting."
Can we talk about how pretentious of a statement that is? It shows hypocrisy seeing as I freely talked about drugs and alcohol (clearly the "inappropriate stuff I will not mention") in the post before this one. It's also a false statement, seeing as I like some of the songs on that list. Hell, I was just bopping to Ariana Grande's "Problem" earlier today as I was doing laundry! In conclusion, this wasn't just one garbage post, it was two. So why isn't it number one? Well, because both versions had actual effort put into them, unlike...
#1. Whatever Wednesday with not_luna_lovegood #3
Yikes. Yikes yikes yikes. Okay, to be fair, this one was published later than intended for some reason and was therefore rushed, but there is still no excuse for it to be so abysmal. This is a "deep and serious" post for some ungodly reason. It's about bullying. I won't deny that bullying is an important topic and it definitely should be talked about, but I am not the person who should be talking about it. I don't even know why I made it in the first place. There is nothing new or interesting I have to say here. Literally everything I wrote in this post has already been said by every guidance counselor in every elementary school in America. "If you're getting bullied, tell someone!" "If you see somebody getting bullied, stand up for the bully!" "If you're bullying, stop it!" Actually, forget guidance counselors. My brother, a first grader, could write this post. I was twelve at the time of writing it, and yeah, I know most twelve-year-olds aren't writing Shakespeare, but surely they're writing better than this. Most of the time the tone I had on the blog was enthusiastic, sort of geeky but in a charming way. This one, however, is completely blase and unfitting considering that bullying is a serious topic. Finally, this post is way too short. Although unnecessarily long posts are my signature, I can be concise when needed, but there's such a thing as being not enough. This is not substantial enough to be clarified as anything as good. This sum-up about it is actually one of the shorter ones I've done on this list, but it's still probably longer than the actual post! So there you have it. The single worst post I've ever done. Hopefully everything I'll ever do on this blog will top it (as well as all the other posts on this list).
With that being said, I'm done with this! I'm Stellar in Neverland, and I'll be back next Wednesday with my homecoming adventures. Tune in then, peace!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Top 10 Worst not_luna_lovegood Posts On The Brick Wall (Self-Deprecation Part 1)
I'm not_luna_love...wait, wrong blog. Well, actually that intro is relevant for today's post, but for real, I'm Stellar in Neverland. Let's do the updates.
-One thing I forgot to mention is that I started driver's ed last week. It adds an extra two hours to each school day, although it only goes for 3 weeks with one out of the way. This means that my posts for the next two weeks will probably be less complicated. Thankfully, as stated before, it only goes for three weeks. After September 29th I'll go back to the longer, deeper stuff with some less complicated stuff thrown in there.
This one is a list, which is actually one of the "longer-but-not-necessarily-deeper" posts I was referring to. I expected to finish this in an hour, but my schedule was way too busy to do that. Instead you get the first part this week and the second next. Despite being a two-parter (which I usually save for more serious, meaningful posts), it's not serious at all. If you get anything out of this post, it should be that I've improved a lot as a writer and I love self-deprecation. The title pretty much explains what it is: my worst posts from my tenure on The Brick Wall, the blog I used to run with my friends. We are only looking at the posts made by my former alias, not_luna_lovegood. My friends might be embarrassed by their old posts, but there is a chance they might not be, and I would feel like a terrible person for talking about stuff they worked hard on. I'm always willing to give my friends constructive criticism, but downright roasting them (like I will to myself) is wrong. Now I'm going to stop rambling and get started!
#10. Top 15 Songs of 2015 (According to not_luna_lovegood)
It's ironic that we start at the end of my tenure at the Brick Wall. This was the last post made on the Brick Wall for a while (until my post promoting Stellar in Neverland a few weeks ago), and it kinda sucks that that's how the blog went out on. Truth be told, this post is actually pretty decently written, hence why it's so low. The reason why it's on the list is because of some absolutely terrible opinions, such as:
-Including songs ("Uptown Funk", Love Me Like You Do", "Wildest Dreams", "Centuries", "G.D.F.R.", and "Time of Our Lives") that I don't actually like anymore. "Uptown Funk" is okay, but overplay killed it for me. Same with "Centuries", although that one was ruined for me because I've actually listened to Fall Out Boy's entire discography and they have WAY better songs than that. The other songs I just...don't like anymore.
-Saying Ariana Grande's songs have been "only okay" barring "Love Me Harder". I adore Ariana's music and I always have. Also, declaring "Love Me Harder" as the best song she's made is a lie. I like it, but she has way better songs. I'll probably do a full post on my favorite songs by her at some point.
-Praising Taylor Swift. Well, "Style" made my list and I still really like that song, but I don't like the rest of her songs and I especially hate her personality. There's also the part where I declared the "Wildest Dreams" music video one of her best despite being the video being borderline racist.
-The amazingly long list of songs I didn't put on the list but still love: "The Hills" by The Weeknd, "Where Are U Now" by Skrillex, Diplo, and Justin Bieber, "679" and "Trap Queen" by Fetty Wap (don't judge me!), "IDFWU" by Big Sean (I'm sorry, it's hilarious), "Cool For The Summer" by Demi Lovato, "You Know You Like It" by DJ Snake, "Chains" by Nick Jonas, and "Hotline Bling" by Drake (it's catchy and the memes are funny).
In conclusion, there were still some good things about this post (I still love most of the other songs), but I said a lot of things I'm ashamed of in it, so it has to make the list.
#9. Music Mondays with not_luna_lovegood #4
This post didn't really have anything to do about music other than me briefly listing the Billboard Top 10 (no commentary or anything!), so it utterly failed as a Music Monday post. But that's not why it's here. It's here because of the "one-month reflection" which is so embarrassing. I was on the blog for 1 MONTH at the time of writing that post, and yet I was acting like I had been on it for years and gotten super popular. There's one part where I talked about what I had learned, which is funny, because there really isn't much to learn from writing four posts. Hell, I've written five posts here and it's taught me nothing. The most embarrassing part is when I give tips on how to start a blog, which is actually pretty funny. I have used none of those tips in the process of starting Stellar in Neverland, except for being myself. One of the tips is "Get some friends to help you!", which is not a tip I would give if I made that post right now. No offense to my friends, but I love writing this blog by myself. I love having complete control of what I post. It feels powerful. The third tip is to make posts about things you know people are interested in, which is a rule I'm breaking right now. I can't see anyone wanting to read this post, but I don't care. The fourth tip I haven't done because I have very few readers, and the fifth tip I haven't done because I'm lazy.
#8. Whatever Wednesday with not_luna_lovegood #4
This post was about my favorite YouTubers, and just the idea of me making a post about that makes my skin crawl. I do love watching YouTube, but I don't view myself as a person who watches and obsesses over YouTubers at all. Some people I know are like that (Banana_Elephant, Chuckles, both of my brothers), and that's fine, it's just not who I am. Let's look at some of the worst moments:
-The overall pretentiousness of the part about the Fine Brothers. There's the part where I act like discovering a YouTuber is "life-changing" and especially the part where I describe the "Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial" video as my favorite because "it gave me hope for this generation." I get what I was trying to say but that's such a pretentious way to put it.
-Putting Potter Puppet Pals on the list when it shouldn't even count. Potter Puppet Pals is not a YouTuber. Potter Puppet Pals is a WEB SHOW. There is a difference.
-Hailing thecomputernerd01 as the only good parody-maker on YouTube when his songs aren't even really parodies. Google defines a parody as "an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect" which isn't really what his videos are. They're more just random funny sentences set to the tune of various popular songs. I also state that "A lot of the parodies I've found on YouTube are TOTALLY offensive and really disrespectful to the artist of the original song and their fans" even though THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF A PARODY.
-Putting Paint on the list. I love his videos, it's just that I rarely watch them. I don't get how I could put somebody I don't even watch that much and forget YouTubers I've watched more frequently over the years like nigahiga or even Smosh Games for that matter.
-Also I forgot to include CinemaSins or its spinoffs, Music Video Sins and Brand Sins (the latter is my personal favorite), as well as Screen Junkies. I've watched both for a few years now and I can't believe I forgot them.
So yeah, sin on me for this post. (Ding.)
#7. Music Mondays with not_luna_lovegood #2
When we first started out the blog, my colleagues and I selected which of the five themes we wanted for the first month, and I chose Music Mondays. I was extremely excited and passionate about Music Mondays and yet all of my posts for the theme, at least for the first month, were terrible! This one is basically a rant about my least favorite types of music and it was really negative. The first few posts were way too negative and were an unfair representation of who I am as a person. The types of music I selected were country and hip-hop, and I'm pretty sure there was a part about me hating Justin Bieber and One Direction at one point but I deleted it. I still actually agree with most of what I said about country music. There are a few country songs I enjoy, but for the most part, it's just not my thing. Most of it sounds the same to me. The hip-hop part is where I really cringe, because my opinions on that genre have radically changed since I wrote that post. True, there are some really terrible rap songs out there, but I enjoy quite a bit of hip-hop, which can definitely surprise those who know me. I make the claim that all rap songs are about "girls, cars, money, alcohol, and doing drugs", which is false and somewhat stereotyping. Not every hip-hop song is about those things, and there's of course one tiny little thing called IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE SONG IS ABOUT. I'm one of those people who doesn't really care about lyrics (although I'll give credit for really good or really bad ones) and mainly just cares about how a song sounds. If the song has a really good beat or a super catchy chorus, I can get into it. In fact, most of the hip-hop songs I like are about those same topics I mentioned, but I don't care. I like them because they have good beats, catchy hooks, and are fun to rap along to. Also, the "all rappers use too much autotune" claim is stupid. I can appreciate using autotune as an effect, and the reason why most rappers use it is for a cool effect and to stand out from the rest. It can be annoying but I find it cool a lot of the time. Finally, there's the now-deleted rant about 1D and Bieber, which I literally only put because I was an edgy 12-year-old. I don't hate either of those artists. The fact that I deleted that part is the reason why I can't put this post higher because at least I had some common sense and deleted it.
#6. Throwback Thursday with not_luna_lovegood #1
One of my trademarks as a blog writer is how wordy I am. I can't keep things short and sweet, and the word "concise" does not exist in my vocabulary. Some may find it annoying, but I know I'm wordy and it's one of the things I like about myself. I bring this up because the reason why this next post makes the list is because it's literally just me listing songs with no commentary or anything whatsoever. One of my personal favorite posts I've made is Billboard's Top 10 Songs In America (presented to you by not_luna_lovegood) because yes, it's listing songs, but I give commentary about them. I don't just tell you "Shut Up And Dance" is at #9 in the charts, I tell you that I'm "obsessed" with it (I still am, it's my favorite song ever) and I make a crappy pun. With the post on the list, I just say "The song of the summer in (year) was '(song)' by (artist). (Artist)'s '(song)' was the song of the summer in (year)." That is LITERALLY how the post is. It doesn't provide anything you couldn't get elsewhere from the Billboard website. It's not Billboard.com, it's the Brick Wall. I should have tried to do something else to differentiate the Brick Wall from Billboard.com, such as...I don't know...LISTING MY OPINIONS ON THE SONGS. I'm not proud of this post because it's extremely lazy. There was literally no effort put into it. Just this sum up of everything wrong with it had more thought put into it than that post.
That's where we'll end it for this week. Next week you'll get the absolute worst I had to offer from my Brick Wall past. I'd call it the cream of the crop but those posts are pretty much the opposite of that saying. Until next week, I'm Stellar in Neverland, signing off! Peace!
-One thing I forgot to mention is that I started driver's ed last week. It adds an extra two hours to each school day, although it only goes for 3 weeks with one out of the way. This means that my posts for the next two weeks will probably be less complicated. Thankfully, as stated before, it only goes for three weeks. After September 29th I'll go back to the longer, deeper stuff with some less complicated stuff thrown in there.
This one is a list, which is actually one of the "longer-but-not-necessarily-deeper" posts I was referring to. I expected to finish this in an hour, but my schedule was way too busy to do that. Instead you get the first part this week and the second next. Despite being a two-parter (which I usually save for more serious, meaningful posts), it's not serious at all. If you get anything out of this post, it should be that I've improved a lot as a writer and I love self-deprecation. The title pretty much explains what it is: my worst posts from my tenure on The Brick Wall, the blog I used to run with my friends. We are only looking at the posts made by my former alias, not_luna_lovegood. My friends might be embarrassed by their old posts, but there is a chance they might not be, and I would feel like a terrible person for talking about stuff they worked hard on. I'm always willing to give my friends constructive criticism, but downright roasting them (like I will to myself) is wrong. Now I'm going to stop rambling and get started!
#10. Top 15 Songs of 2015 (According to not_luna_lovegood)
It's ironic that we start at the end of my tenure at the Brick Wall. This was the last post made on the Brick Wall for a while (until my post promoting Stellar in Neverland a few weeks ago), and it kinda sucks that that's how the blog went out on. Truth be told, this post is actually pretty decently written, hence why it's so low. The reason why it's on the list is because of some absolutely terrible opinions, such as:
-Including songs ("Uptown Funk", Love Me Like You Do", "Wildest Dreams", "Centuries", "G.D.F.R.", and "Time of Our Lives") that I don't actually like anymore. "Uptown Funk" is okay, but overplay killed it for me. Same with "Centuries", although that one was ruined for me because I've actually listened to Fall Out Boy's entire discography and they have WAY better songs than that. The other songs I just...don't like anymore.
-Saying Ariana Grande's songs have been "only okay" barring "Love Me Harder". I adore Ariana's music and I always have. Also, declaring "Love Me Harder" as the best song she's made is a lie. I like it, but she has way better songs. I'll probably do a full post on my favorite songs by her at some point.
-Praising Taylor Swift. Well, "Style" made my list and I still really like that song, but I don't like the rest of her songs and I especially hate her personality. There's also the part where I declared the "Wildest Dreams" music video one of her best despite being the video being borderline racist.
-The amazingly long list of songs I didn't put on the list but still love: "The Hills" by The Weeknd, "Where Are U Now" by Skrillex, Diplo, and Justin Bieber, "679" and "Trap Queen" by Fetty Wap (don't judge me!), "IDFWU" by Big Sean (I'm sorry, it's hilarious), "Cool For The Summer" by Demi Lovato, "You Know You Like It" by DJ Snake, "Chains" by Nick Jonas, and "Hotline Bling" by Drake (it's catchy and the memes are funny).
In conclusion, there were still some good things about this post (I still love most of the other songs), but I said a lot of things I'm ashamed of in it, so it has to make the list.
#9. Music Mondays with not_luna_lovegood #4
This post didn't really have anything to do about music other than me briefly listing the Billboard Top 10 (no commentary or anything!), so it utterly failed as a Music Monday post. But that's not why it's here. It's here because of the "one-month reflection" which is so embarrassing. I was on the blog for 1 MONTH at the time of writing that post, and yet I was acting like I had been on it for years and gotten super popular. There's one part where I talked about what I had learned, which is funny, because there really isn't much to learn from writing four posts. Hell, I've written five posts here and it's taught me nothing. The most embarrassing part is when I give tips on how to start a blog, which is actually pretty funny. I have used none of those tips in the process of starting Stellar in Neverland, except for being myself. One of the tips is "Get some friends to help you!", which is not a tip I would give if I made that post right now. No offense to my friends, but I love writing this blog by myself. I love having complete control of what I post. It feels powerful. The third tip is to make posts about things you know people are interested in, which is a rule I'm breaking right now. I can't see anyone wanting to read this post, but I don't care. The fourth tip I haven't done because I have very few readers, and the fifth tip I haven't done because I'm lazy.
#8. Whatever Wednesday with not_luna_lovegood #4
This post was about my favorite YouTubers, and just the idea of me making a post about that makes my skin crawl. I do love watching YouTube, but I don't view myself as a person who watches and obsesses over YouTubers at all. Some people I know are like that (Banana_Elephant, Chuckles, both of my brothers), and that's fine, it's just not who I am. Let's look at some of the worst moments:
-The overall pretentiousness of the part about the Fine Brothers. There's the part where I act like discovering a YouTuber is "life-changing" and especially the part where I describe the "Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial" video as my favorite because "it gave me hope for this generation." I get what I was trying to say but that's such a pretentious way to put it.
-Putting Potter Puppet Pals on the list when it shouldn't even count. Potter Puppet Pals is not a YouTuber. Potter Puppet Pals is a WEB SHOW. There is a difference.
-Hailing thecomputernerd01 as the only good parody-maker on YouTube when his songs aren't even really parodies. Google defines a parody as "an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect" which isn't really what his videos are. They're more just random funny sentences set to the tune of various popular songs. I also state that "A lot of the parodies I've found on YouTube are TOTALLY offensive and really disrespectful to the artist of the original song and their fans" even though THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF A PARODY.
-Putting Paint on the list. I love his videos, it's just that I rarely watch them. I don't get how I could put somebody I don't even watch that much and forget YouTubers I've watched more frequently over the years like nigahiga or even Smosh Games for that matter.
-Also I forgot to include CinemaSins or its spinoffs, Music Video Sins and Brand Sins (the latter is my personal favorite), as well as Screen Junkies. I've watched both for a few years now and I can't believe I forgot them.
So yeah, sin on me for this post. (Ding.)
#7. Music Mondays with not_luna_lovegood #2
When we first started out the blog, my colleagues and I selected which of the five themes we wanted for the first month, and I chose Music Mondays. I was extremely excited and passionate about Music Mondays and yet all of my posts for the theme, at least for the first month, were terrible! This one is basically a rant about my least favorite types of music and it was really negative. The first few posts were way too negative and were an unfair representation of who I am as a person. The types of music I selected were country and hip-hop, and I'm pretty sure there was a part about me hating Justin Bieber and One Direction at one point but I deleted it. I still actually agree with most of what I said about country music. There are a few country songs I enjoy, but for the most part, it's just not my thing. Most of it sounds the same to me. The hip-hop part is where I really cringe, because my opinions on that genre have radically changed since I wrote that post. True, there are some really terrible rap songs out there, but I enjoy quite a bit of hip-hop, which can definitely surprise those who know me. I make the claim that all rap songs are about "girls, cars, money, alcohol, and doing drugs", which is false and somewhat stereotyping. Not every hip-hop song is about those things, and there's of course one tiny little thing called IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE SONG IS ABOUT. I'm one of those people who doesn't really care about lyrics (although I'll give credit for really good or really bad ones) and mainly just cares about how a song sounds. If the song has a really good beat or a super catchy chorus, I can get into it. In fact, most of the hip-hop songs I like are about those same topics I mentioned, but I don't care. I like them because they have good beats, catchy hooks, and are fun to rap along to. Also, the "all rappers use too much autotune" claim is stupid. I can appreciate using autotune as an effect, and the reason why most rappers use it is for a cool effect and to stand out from the rest. It can be annoying but I find it cool a lot of the time. Finally, there's the now-deleted rant about 1D and Bieber, which I literally only put because I was an edgy 12-year-old. I don't hate either of those artists. The fact that I deleted that part is the reason why I can't put this post higher because at least I had some common sense and deleted it.
#6. Throwback Thursday with not_luna_lovegood #1
One of my trademarks as a blog writer is how wordy I am. I can't keep things short and sweet, and the word "concise" does not exist in my vocabulary. Some may find it annoying, but I know I'm wordy and it's one of the things I like about myself. I bring this up because the reason why this next post makes the list is because it's literally just me listing songs with no commentary or anything whatsoever. One of my personal favorite posts I've made is Billboard's Top 10 Songs In America (presented to you by not_luna_lovegood) because yes, it's listing songs, but I give commentary about them. I don't just tell you "Shut Up And Dance" is at #9 in the charts, I tell you that I'm "obsessed" with it (I still am, it's my favorite song ever) and I make a crappy pun. With the post on the list, I just say "The song of the summer in (year) was '(song)' by (artist). (Artist)'s '(song)' was the song of the summer in (year)." That is LITERALLY how the post is. It doesn't provide anything you couldn't get elsewhere from the Billboard website. It's not Billboard.com, it's the Brick Wall. I should have tried to do something else to differentiate the Brick Wall from Billboard.com, such as...I don't know...LISTING MY OPINIONS ON THE SONGS. I'm not proud of this post because it's extremely lazy. There was literally no effort put into it. Just this sum up of everything wrong with it had more thought put into it than that post.
That's where we'll end it for this week. Next week you'll get the absolute worst I had to offer from my Brick Wall past. I'd call it the cream of the crop but those posts are pretty much the opposite of that saying. Until next week, I'm Stellar in Neverland, signing off! Peace!
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Stellar's Music Shuffle Challenge!
Hi, it's Stellar, and welcome to Stellar in Neverland! I don't have really any updates for today so I'll just segue into the meat and potatoes (as my geometry teacher would say) of my post. I'm going to do a music shuffle game to determine what the soundtrack of the fictional movie about my life would be. I've seen many variants of this game but I created this one by myself, so give credit if you use it. Not every post on this blog is going to be lengthy and thought-provoking, some of them are going to be simple like this one. I'm just doing this because it's quick and easy while also being a little snapshot of my (very eclectic) music taste so y'all can see what I'm into before the inevitable amount of music posts yet to come.
A quick explanation of how to play:
1. Pull up your music player of choice (iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, etc. I use Spotify.)
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. For every question, write down the song that plays as your answer.
4. When you're done, laugh at how little sense your answers most likely make.
Here are the questions:
1. Opening Credits (Waking Up And Getting Ready For School): "All The Small Things" by blink-182 (This actually makes sense to me! We're off to a good start!)
2. First Day Of School: "Bounce Back" by Big Sean (I actually have no idea why this song is still in my playlist lol. This doesn't really make sense because it's the FIRST day and therefore I have nothing to bounce back from.)
3. Making Friends: "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay (Well, two of my best friends *Banana_Elephant and Quidditch_Turtle, in case you were wondering* are both Coldplay fans so I guess we bonded over that?)
4. Studying and Passing A Test: "Heavydirtysoul" by Twenty One Pilots (This song is really hype *for lack of a better term* so I could totally see this working as I prepare intensely for my test. Probably not great music to study to though. I know all the words and can rap along to it *which I'm very proud of because it's FAST* so I'll get distracted by that)
5. Asking Your Crush Out: "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic! At The Disco (What even)
6. Happy Dance Alone In Your Room: "Black Beatles" by Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane (I guess my happy dance is the Mannequin Challenge? I'd think I'd need more people for that but whatevs)
7. Passing Your Driver's Test (Driving Montage): "Umbrella" by Rihanna ft. Jay-Z (Probably not my first choice for carpool karaoke but it'll do)
8. Prom: "I Gotta Feeling" by The Black Eyed Peas (Real talk: if this song is not played at my real-life prom I will riot.)
9. Stressing Out: "Firework" by Katy Perry (Maybe in a slightly cheesy turn of events I could listen to this song for a pep talk and end up feeling inspired!)
10. Being Angsty Teens With Your Friends: "Lean On" by Major Lazer ft. MØ and DJ Snake (This song isn't angsty at all lol)
11. Graduation: "Paris" by The Chainsmokers (Am I graduating from the school in Anna and the French Kiss or something?)
12. Breakup: "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 (This makes me laugh. Clearly I will not be loved anymore since it's...you know...a BREAKUP!)
13. Being Single: "Crazy In Love" by Beyonce ft. Jay-Z (The irony is too much to handle.)
14. Getting Back Together: "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga (Random note: For English last year we had to write Romeo and Juliet-themed song parodies and I did mine on this one. I might post it on here for laughs but I don't want anyone to find it and copy it.)
15. Being In Love: "Side To Side" by Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj (Clearly we're focusing on the more...sexual aspect of this relationship)
16. Working At Your Job: "Death of a Bachelor" by Panic! At The Disco (Based on this selection, I've come to the conclusion that I either a.) work for a company that does weddings or b.) work at Hot Topic. Both are fine with me lol)
17. Getting Engaged: "That's What I Like" by Bruno Mars (So I'm marrying a man who has a condo in Manhattan AND a beach house in Miami, a personal chef named Julio, and a Cadillac, and can also give me diamonds, trips to Puerto Rico, and Paris? I'm cool with that.)
18. Wedding: "Want To Want Me" by Jason Derulo (I low-key want this song played at my wedding)
19. Birth of Child: "Sugar, We're Goin Down" by Fall Out Boy (My child is a Fall Out Boy fan. The Emo Stellar of last year will be so proud.)
20. Death of a Loved One: "Party In The USA" by Miley Cyrus (Somebody just died! Why are we celebrating?)
21. Mid-Life Crisis: "Die Young" by Kesha (The fear of dying young is actually a completely reasonable thing to have a mid-life crisis about.)
22. Getting Old: "All Star" by Smash Mouth (I may be getting old...but the memes containing this song will not.)
23. Death: "Somebody That I Used To Know" by Gotye ft. Kimbra (I am "Somebody" and "I" is the concept of life. Does that make sense?)
24. Bittersweet Flashback of Your Entire Life: "American Dream" by MKTO (Oddly enough I can see this working. I have no idea why.)
25. End Credits: "Feels" by Calvin Harris ft. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, and Big Sean (Whenever I listen to this song I think of beach parties. Are these end credits going to be a beach party in heaven? I'm totally down for that.)
So that's Stellar's Music Shuffle Challenge! If you're reading this and want to do it in the comments, go ahead. It's a lot of fun purely for how funny some of the song answers are. I don't know what my next post is gonna be, so tune in next Wednesday to find out! I'm Stellar in Neverland and I'll see you then! Peace!
A quick explanation of how to play:
1. Pull up your music player of choice (iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, etc. I use Spotify.)
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. For every question, write down the song that plays as your answer.
4. When you're done, laugh at how little sense your answers most likely make.
Here are the questions:
1. Opening Credits (Waking Up And Getting Ready For School): "All The Small Things" by blink-182 (This actually makes sense to me! We're off to a good start!)
2. First Day Of School: "Bounce Back" by Big Sean (I actually have no idea why this song is still in my playlist lol. This doesn't really make sense because it's the FIRST day and therefore I have nothing to bounce back from.)
3. Making Friends: "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay (Well, two of my best friends *Banana_Elephant and Quidditch_Turtle, in case you were wondering* are both Coldplay fans so I guess we bonded over that?)
4. Studying and Passing A Test: "Heavydirtysoul" by Twenty One Pilots (This song is really hype *for lack of a better term* so I could totally see this working as I prepare intensely for my test. Probably not great music to study to though. I know all the words and can rap along to it *which I'm very proud of because it's FAST* so I'll get distracted by that)
5. Asking Your Crush Out: "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" by Panic! At The Disco (What even)
6. Happy Dance Alone In Your Room: "Black Beatles" by Rae Sremmurd ft. Gucci Mane (I guess my happy dance is the Mannequin Challenge? I'd think I'd need more people for that but whatevs)
7. Passing Your Driver's Test (Driving Montage): "Umbrella" by Rihanna ft. Jay-Z (Probably not my first choice for carpool karaoke but it'll do)
8. Prom: "I Gotta Feeling" by The Black Eyed Peas (Real talk: if this song is not played at my real-life prom I will riot.)
9. Stressing Out: "Firework" by Katy Perry (Maybe in a slightly cheesy turn of events I could listen to this song for a pep talk and end up feeling inspired!)
10. Being Angsty Teens With Your Friends: "Lean On" by Major Lazer ft. MØ and DJ Snake (This song isn't angsty at all lol)
11. Graduation: "Paris" by The Chainsmokers (Am I graduating from the school in Anna and the French Kiss or something?)
12. Breakup: "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 (This makes me laugh. Clearly I will not be loved anymore since it's...you know...a BREAKUP!)
13. Being Single: "Crazy In Love" by Beyonce ft. Jay-Z (The irony is too much to handle.)
14. Getting Back Together: "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga (Random note: For English last year we had to write Romeo and Juliet-themed song parodies and I did mine on this one. I might post it on here for laughs but I don't want anyone to find it and copy it.)
15. Being In Love: "Side To Side" by Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj (Clearly we're focusing on the more...sexual aspect of this relationship)
16. Working At Your Job: "Death of a Bachelor" by Panic! At The Disco (Based on this selection, I've come to the conclusion that I either a.) work for a company that does weddings or b.) work at Hot Topic. Both are fine with me lol)
17. Getting Engaged: "That's What I Like" by Bruno Mars (So I'm marrying a man who has a condo in Manhattan AND a beach house in Miami, a personal chef named Julio, and a Cadillac, and can also give me diamonds, trips to Puerto Rico, and Paris? I'm cool with that.)
18. Wedding: "Want To Want Me" by Jason Derulo (I low-key want this song played at my wedding)
19. Birth of Child: "Sugar, We're Goin Down" by Fall Out Boy (My child is a Fall Out Boy fan. The Emo Stellar of last year will be so proud.)
20. Death of a Loved One: "Party In The USA" by Miley Cyrus (Somebody just died! Why are we celebrating?)
21. Mid-Life Crisis: "Die Young" by Kesha (The fear of dying young is actually a completely reasonable thing to have a mid-life crisis about.)
22. Getting Old: "All Star" by Smash Mouth (I may be getting old...but the memes containing this song will not.)
23. Death: "Somebody That I Used To Know" by Gotye ft. Kimbra (I am "Somebody" and "I" is the concept of life. Does that make sense?)
24. Bittersweet Flashback of Your Entire Life: "American Dream" by MKTO (Oddly enough I can see this working. I have no idea why.)
25. End Credits: "Feels" by Calvin Harris ft. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, and Big Sean (Whenever I listen to this song I think of beach parties. Are these end credits going to be a beach party in heaven? I'm totally down for that.)
So that's Stellar's Music Shuffle Challenge! If you're reading this and want to do it in the comments, go ahead. It's a lot of fun purely for how funny some of the song answers are. I don't know what my next post is gonna be, so tune in next Wednesday to find out! I'm Stellar in Neverland and I'll see you then! Peace!
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Stellar's First Day Of Sophomore Year!
Hi, it's me, Stellar, and welcome to Stellar in Neverland. Today's updates:
-I started school on Tuesday, September 5th, meaning I am officially a sophomore in high school! This may affect my posting schedule at some point, but for now you can still check in for updates every Wednesday!
This is also a good transition into my post for today. Originally I was going to do some kind of music shuffle challenge but I'll save that for another time. Sometimes my blog posts will be like journal entries where I document a day of my life. These posts will be tagged under "life" for convenience, like this one. This post will just be a quick rundown of my first day of sophomore year.
I woke up at 6:10 and took a shower and got dressed. Then, my mom helped me do my hair. As she did it, I told her about how I was having some anxieties about starting this year. Basically, there were a couple of people who I just didn't want to see for multiple reasons (I did see them, but I'd like to keep my feelings to myself in case they read this). My mom told me that everything would end up being fine and there was no reason for me to freak out. After that, my family headed outside for a few first-day-of-school pictures and then went to some neighbors' for doughnuts. I had heard from a few of my neighbors that we were getting a new bus driver, which got me excited because I really don't like the one I had before. Well, actually the one I still have. Much to my disappointment, we still have the driver from the past few years, and this year was even worse because I was almost late to school because of him.
I got to school and my first class was gym. I hate gym, but I'm actually looking forward to it this year. The gym class I'm taking this year is more laid-back, and we get to do activities like biking, rock climbing, rollerblading, and softball, all of which I really enjoy. We spent the first twenty minutes going over class rules and expectations (a common theme in my day), and then we got to pick out our lockers. At the end of the hour my teacher just let us shoot hoops. I met up with a few friends and we played PIG, which I sucked at, but mostly because it was early in the morning and I wasn't trying. I'm excited for this class because my teacher is really nice and I have Banana_Elephant and Doglover (because I'm still calling them by their Brick Wall names haha) in the class.
Next we have band, which is my favorite class of the day. I've always felt that band never really felt like a class, but more like a club that we randomly go to in the middle of the morning. I've played the clarinet for five years and will continue to play it for marching band, but this year I'm switching to bass clarinet for concert band. I was pleasantly surprised to see my director at school today. My director was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, and part of me was expecting him to not be there because of the treatments and side effects of them, but he was there. Today we got an explanation of what to expect from being in band, most of which I knew from last year. I look forward to another fun year with the band fam :)
My last class of the morning is geometry. A bunch of my friends took this class last year and nearly all of them had good things to say about the teacher I ended up getting. I feel like geometry will be one of my most fun classes of the day because of the teacher and my classmates. One of my classmates wants the teacher call her Sharkeisha (not her real name, of course), leading my teacher to say that she'll eventually hate it while he'll always find it amusing. That was one of the funniest moments of my day. I've liked the geometry I've done in previous years, so I'm expecting to like this class. My teacher seems like a pretty chill and funny guy, and I look forward to having him for a teacher (and finally understanding those inside jokes Banana_Elephant and Doglover won't shut up about)
Next is lunch, which is abnormally early. My lunchtime is at 10:37, which is more of a brunchtime than a lunchtime. I didn't know what we were having for hot lunch, but I decided to take it anyway. I regretted that choice, because the mini corn dogs were disgusting. I would much rather have eaten the leftover fettuccine alfredo I had last night. I talked with my friends about how my day had been thus far and what classes I was looking forward to.
After that was RtI. If you're reading this and have no idea what that is, it's a thing the state (I won't say which one because there are at least 14 that do it) requires us to do where we go to a teacher's room and study. If a student needs extra help in a subject, they can go to a teacher who specializes in that subject, but for most of us, it's just a study hall. I have one of the art teachers for RtI this year even though I'm not taking any art classes. It was one of my least favorite parts of my day because I didn't have anything to do. I didn't have any homework because it was the first day and I forgot to bring a book or my phone. My RtI is also filled with a ton of really annoying people. However, I do like my teacher and I hope it gets better.
I also didn't really like biology, my next subject. I expected that, since one of my friends who took it last year straight-up wrote "Biology sucks" in my yearbook. My biology teacher actually student-taught for my class in seventh grade, and ever since then, I've seen him in the most random of places and I like to joke that I can't escape him. To start out the year, we did an activity where we had to build a tower made of dry spaghetti noodles, string, duct tape, and a marshmallow on the top. We did this in groups and my group and I didn't really know what we were doing, making our tower a failure. We then talked about the lab, which was boring. I don't really like doing labs, I'd prefer to just take the notes. That's pretty much the reason why I don't think I'll enjoy biology as much as the rest of my classes. I like my teacher though, even though I can't escape him.
Thankfully, the following three classes were all fine. The first of these is English, although I'm not doing any regular English class. I'm doing the honors program, which I also did last year. This is probably the class I'm most nervous for because I know I'll have to work hard to keep my grades up. My teacher seems to be pretty sarcastic and he seems to like joking around with us. He made one of my classmates recite a tongue twister for the class in exchange for an A for the semester, only to want to take it back when she did it. I would say the books I'm probably most excited to read in this class are The Book Thief and Julius Caesar, which isn't really a book but I'm still excited to read it. Today we just took notes and went over the course expectations and it was pretty laid-back.
The second-to-last class of the day is Spanish, which was one of the highlights of the day. I loved my first year of Spanish last year and I think this year will be awesome too. I had heard that some of my friends didn't really like Spanish 2 so I expected to feel the same, but the class just seems like last year's. I had also heard some bad things about the teacher, but she actually seems pretty nice based on my first day. We picked our Spanish names (mine is Catalina!) and went over basic review like the alphabet, numbers, and colors in class today. I love Spanish because I enjoy learning about other cultures, it comes easily to me, and I think learning a second language is a helpful life skill. Out of all of my classes last year, I got the best grades in Spanish, and I hope I can continue that streak.
The final class of my exhausting day was health. I actually have the same teacher for gym and health, so I get to begin and end with that teacher. I don't have a problem with that because I've had her for middle school gym and I like her a lot. By this point, I was starving because I eat lunch so early, so I quickly had a package of sandwich crackers before class began. Like with most of my classes, we went over the syllabus and what to expect in the class. The teacher also assigned us to write a letter to our future selves, allowing us to put whatever we wanted in it. I'm going to make mine be pretty funny. I'm actually surprised at how excited I am for health. I thought it would be boring but my teacher's description sounds interesting. This is where we talk about things like sex, drugs, alcohol, mental health, suicide, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't even remember. I know it won't be the most fun class ever, but it's important that I know these things.
I got out of school around 3:20 and went to go pick up a T-shirt made to raise money for my band director's treatment. It was a bit of a hectic mess, but I got the shirt in time to catch the bus. Well, I would've probably made the bus anyway because our bus driver was late AGAIN. I hope this doesn't end up being a regular thing. My brothers and I got home about a half hour later and told our parents about our days. At around 4:30, my mom treated us with a delicious dinner of steak (my brothers' favorite), chicken tetrazzini (my favorite), dinner rolls, and Boston cream pie to finish. I spent my evening relaxing and writing this, being nervous for the new school year, but also excited.
Okay, so that was my first day of school. Hopefully it wasn't boring. I'm mainly doing this for myself, because I plan to read it on the last day and see how much of it still is true. Next week's post might be the music shuffle challenge, but there are some other ideas I'm considering. Tune in next Wednesday to see. I'm Stellar in Neverland, and I'll see you then! Peace!
-I started school on Tuesday, September 5th, meaning I am officially a sophomore in high school! This may affect my posting schedule at some point, but for now you can still check in for updates every Wednesday!
This is also a good transition into my post for today. Originally I was going to do some kind of music shuffle challenge but I'll save that for another time. Sometimes my blog posts will be like journal entries where I document a day of my life. These posts will be tagged under "life" for convenience, like this one. This post will just be a quick rundown of my first day of sophomore year.
I woke up at 6:10 and took a shower and got dressed. Then, my mom helped me do my hair. As she did it, I told her about how I was having some anxieties about starting this year. Basically, there were a couple of people who I just didn't want to see for multiple reasons (I did see them, but I'd like to keep my feelings to myself in case they read this). My mom told me that everything would end up being fine and there was no reason for me to freak out. After that, my family headed outside for a few first-day-of-school pictures and then went to some neighbors' for doughnuts. I had heard from a few of my neighbors that we were getting a new bus driver, which got me excited because I really don't like the one I had before. Well, actually the one I still have. Much to my disappointment, we still have the driver from the past few years, and this year was even worse because I was almost late to school because of him.
I got to school and my first class was gym. I hate gym, but I'm actually looking forward to it this year. The gym class I'm taking this year is more laid-back, and we get to do activities like biking, rock climbing, rollerblading, and softball, all of which I really enjoy. We spent the first twenty minutes going over class rules and expectations (a common theme in my day), and then we got to pick out our lockers. At the end of the hour my teacher just let us shoot hoops. I met up with a few friends and we played PIG, which I sucked at, but mostly because it was early in the morning and I wasn't trying. I'm excited for this class because my teacher is really nice and I have Banana_Elephant and Doglover (because I'm still calling them by their Brick Wall names haha) in the class.
Next we have band, which is my favorite class of the day. I've always felt that band never really felt like a class, but more like a club that we randomly go to in the middle of the morning. I've played the clarinet for five years and will continue to play it for marching band, but this year I'm switching to bass clarinet for concert band. I was pleasantly surprised to see my director at school today. My director was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, and part of me was expecting him to not be there because of the treatments and side effects of them, but he was there. Today we got an explanation of what to expect from being in band, most of which I knew from last year. I look forward to another fun year with the band fam :)
My last class of the morning is geometry. A bunch of my friends took this class last year and nearly all of them had good things to say about the teacher I ended up getting. I feel like geometry will be one of my most fun classes of the day because of the teacher and my classmates. One of my classmates wants the teacher call her Sharkeisha (not her real name, of course), leading my teacher to say that she'll eventually hate it while he'll always find it amusing. That was one of the funniest moments of my day. I've liked the geometry I've done in previous years, so I'm expecting to like this class. My teacher seems like a pretty chill and funny guy, and I look forward to having him for a teacher (and finally understanding those inside jokes Banana_Elephant and Doglover won't shut up about)
Next is lunch, which is abnormally early. My lunchtime is at 10:37, which is more of a brunchtime than a lunchtime. I didn't know what we were having for hot lunch, but I decided to take it anyway. I regretted that choice, because the mini corn dogs were disgusting. I would much rather have eaten the leftover fettuccine alfredo I had last night. I talked with my friends about how my day had been thus far and what classes I was looking forward to.
After that was RtI. If you're reading this and have no idea what that is, it's a thing the state (I won't say which one because there are at least 14 that do it) requires us to do where we go to a teacher's room and study. If a student needs extra help in a subject, they can go to a teacher who specializes in that subject, but for most of us, it's just a study hall. I have one of the art teachers for RtI this year even though I'm not taking any art classes. It was one of my least favorite parts of my day because I didn't have anything to do. I didn't have any homework because it was the first day and I forgot to bring a book or my phone. My RtI is also filled with a ton of really annoying people. However, I do like my teacher and I hope it gets better.
I also didn't really like biology, my next subject. I expected that, since one of my friends who took it last year straight-up wrote "Biology sucks" in my yearbook. My biology teacher actually student-taught for my class in seventh grade, and ever since then, I've seen him in the most random of places and I like to joke that I can't escape him. To start out the year, we did an activity where we had to build a tower made of dry spaghetti noodles, string, duct tape, and a marshmallow on the top. We did this in groups and my group and I didn't really know what we were doing, making our tower a failure. We then talked about the lab, which was boring. I don't really like doing labs, I'd prefer to just take the notes. That's pretty much the reason why I don't think I'll enjoy biology as much as the rest of my classes. I like my teacher though, even though I can't escape him.
Thankfully, the following three classes were all fine. The first of these is English, although I'm not doing any regular English class. I'm doing the honors program, which I also did last year. This is probably the class I'm most nervous for because I know I'll have to work hard to keep my grades up. My teacher seems to be pretty sarcastic and he seems to like joking around with us. He made one of my classmates recite a tongue twister for the class in exchange for an A for the semester, only to want to take it back when she did it. I would say the books I'm probably most excited to read in this class are The Book Thief and Julius Caesar, which isn't really a book but I'm still excited to read it. Today we just took notes and went over the course expectations and it was pretty laid-back.
The second-to-last class of the day is Spanish, which was one of the highlights of the day. I loved my first year of Spanish last year and I think this year will be awesome too. I had heard that some of my friends didn't really like Spanish 2 so I expected to feel the same, but the class just seems like last year's. I had also heard some bad things about the teacher, but she actually seems pretty nice based on my first day. We picked our Spanish names (mine is Catalina!) and went over basic review like the alphabet, numbers, and colors in class today. I love Spanish because I enjoy learning about other cultures, it comes easily to me, and I think learning a second language is a helpful life skill. Out of all of my classes last year, I got the best grades in Spanish, and I hope I can continue that streak.
The final class of my exhausting day was health. I actually have the same teacher for gym and health, so I get to begin and end with that teacher. I don't have a problem with that because I've had her for middle school gym and I like her a lot. By this point, I was starving because I eat lunch so early, so I quickly had a package of sandwich crackers before class began. Like with most of my classes, we went over the syllabus and what to expect in the class. The teacher also assigned us to write a letter to our future selves, allowing us to put whatever we wanted in it. I'm going to make mine be pretty funny. I'm actually surprised at how excited I am for health. I thought it would be boring but my teacher's description sounds interesting. This is where we talk about things like sex, drugs, alcohol, mental health, suicide, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't even remember. I know it won't be the most fun class ever, but it's important that I know these things.
I got out of school around 3:20 and went to go pick up a T-shirt made to raise money for my band director's treatment. It was a bit of a hectic mess, but I got the shirt in time to catch the bus. Well, I would've probably made the bus anyway because our bus driver was late AGAIN. I hope this doesn't end up being a regular thing. My brothers and I got home about a half hour later and told our parents about our days. At around 4:30, my mom treated us with a delicious dinner of steak (my brothers' favorite), chicken tetrazzini (my favorite), dinner rolls, and Boston cream pie to finish. I spent my evening relaxing and writing this, being nervous for the new school year, but also excited.
Okay, so that was my first day of school. Hopefully it wasn't boring. I'm mainly doing this for myself, because I plan to read it on the last day and see how much of it still is true. Next week's post might be the music shuffle challenge, but there are some other ideas I'm considering. Tune in next Wednesday to see. I'm Stellar in Neverland, and I'll see you then! Peace!
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