Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Top 10 Worst not_luna_lovegood Posts On The Brick Wall (Self-Deprecation Part 1)

I'm not_luna_love...wait, wrong blog. Well, actually that intro is relevant for today's post, but for real, I'm Stellar in Neverland. Let's do the updates.
-One thing I forgot to mention is that I started driver's ed last week. It adds an extra two hours to each school day, although it only goes for 3 weeks with one out of the way. This means that my posts for the next two weeks will probably be less complicated. Thankfully, as stated before, it only goes for three weeks. After September 29th I'll go back to the longer, deeper stuff with some less complicated stuff thrown in there.

This one is a list, which is actually one of the "longer-but-not-necessarily-deeper" posts I was referring to. I expected to finish this in an hour, but my schedule was way too busy to do that. Instead you get the first part this week and the second next. Despite being a two-parter (which I usually save for more serious, meaningful posts), it's not serious at all. If you get anything out of this post, it should be that I've improved a lot as a writer and I love self-deprecation. The title pretty much explains what it is: my worst posts from my tenure on The Brick Wall, the blog I used to run with my friends. We are only looking at the posts made by my former alias, not_luna_lovegood. My friends might be embarrassed by their old posts, but there is a chance they might not be, and I would feel like a terrible person for talking about stuff they worked hard on. I'm always willing to give my friends constructive criticism, but downright roasting them (like I will to myself) is wrong. Now I'm going to stop rambling and get started!

#10. Top 15 Songs of 2015 (According to not_luna_lovegood)
It's ironic that we start at the end of my tenure at the Brick Wall. This was the last post made on the Brick Wall for a while (until my post promoting Stellar in Neverland a few weeks ago), and it kinda sucks that that's how the blog went out on. Truth be told, this post is actually pretty decently written, hence why it's so low. The reason why it's on the list is because of some absolutely terrible opinions, such as:
-Including songs ("Uptown Funk", Love Me Like You Do", "Wildest Dreams", "Centuries", "G.D.F.R.", and "Time of Our Lives") that I don't actually like anymore. "Uptown Funk" is okay, but overplay killed it for me. Same with "Centuries", although that one was ruined for me because I've actually listened to Fall Out Boy's entire discography and they have WAY better songs than that. The other songs I just...don't like anymore.
-Saying Ariana Grande's songs have been "only okay" barring "Love Me Harder". I adore Ariana's music and I always have. Also, declaring "Love Me Harder" as the best song she's made is a lie. I like it, but she has way better songs. I'll probably do a full post on my favorite songs by her at some point.
-Praising Taylor Swift. Well, "Style" made my list and I still really like that song, but I don't like the rest of her songs and I especially hate her personality. There's also the part where I declared the "Wildest Dreams" music video one of her best despite being the video being borderline racist.
-The amazingly long list of songs I didn't put on the list but still love: "The Hills" by The Weeknd, "Where Are U Now" by Skrillex, Diplo, and Justin Bieber, "679" and "Trap Queen" by Fetty Wap (don't judge me!), "IDFWU" by Big Sean (I'm sorry, it's hilarious), "Cool For The Summer" by Demi Lovato, "You Know You Like It" by DJ Snake, "Chains" by Nick Jonas, and "Hotline Bling" by Drake (it's catchy and the memes are funny).
In conclusion, there were still some good things about this post (I still love most of the other songs), but I said a lot of things I'm ashamed of in it, so it has to make the list.

#9. Music Mondays with not_luna_lovegood #4
This post didn't really have anything to do about music other than me briefly listing the Billboard Top 10 (no commentary or anything!), so it utterly failed as a Music Monday post. But that's not why it's here. It's here because of the "one-month reflection" which is so embarrassing. I was on the blog for 1 MONTH at the time of writing that post, and yet I was acting like I had been on it for years and gotten super popular. There's one part where I talked about what I had learned, which is funny, because there really isn't much to learn from writing four posts. Hell, I've written five posts here and it's taught me nothing. The most embarrassing part is when I give tips on how to start a blog, which is actually pretty funny. I have used none of those tips in the process of starting Stellar in Neverland, except for being myself. One of the tips is "Get some friends to help you!", which is not a tip I would give if I made that post right now. No offense to my friends, but I love writing this blog by myself. I love having complete control of what I post. It feels powerful. The third tip is to make posts about things you know people are interested in, which is a rule I'm breaking right now. I can't see anyone wanting to read this post, but I don't care. The fourth tip I haven't done because I have very few readers, and the fifth tip I haven't done because I'm lazy.

#8. Whatever Wednesday with not_luna_lovegood #4
This post was about my favorite YouTubers, and just the idea of me making a post about that makes my skin crawl. I do love watching YouTube, but I don't view myself as a person who watches and obsesses over YouTubers at all. Some people I know are like that (Banana_Elephant, Chuckles, both of my brothers), and that's fine, it's just not who I am. Let's look at some of the worst moments:
-The overall pretentiousness of the part about the Fine Brothers. There's the part where I act like discovering a YouTuber is "life-changing" and especially the part where I describe the "Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial" video as my favorite because "it gave me hope for this generation." I get what I was trying to say but that's such a pretentious way to put it.
-Putting Potter Puppet Pals on the list when it shouldn't even count. Potter Puppet Pals is not a YouTuber. Potter Puppet Pals is a WEB SHOW. There is a difference.
-Hailing thecomputernerd01 as the only good parody-maker on YouTube when his songs aren't even really parodies. Google defines a parody as "an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect" which isn't really what his videos are. They're more just random funny sentences set to the tune of various popular songs. I also state that "A lot of the parodies I've found on YouTube are TOTALLY offensive and really disrespectful to the artist of the original song and their fans" even though THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF A PARODY.
-Putting Paint on the list. I love his videos, it's just that I rarely watch them. I don't get how I could put somebody I don't even watch that much and forget YouTubers I've watched more frequently over the years like nigahiga or even Smosh Games for that matter. 
-Also I forgot to include CinemaSins or its spinoffs, Music Video Sins and Brand Sins (the latter is my personal favorite), as well as Screen Junkies. I've watched both for a few years now and I can't believe I forgot them.
So yeah, sin on me for this post. (Ding.)

#7. Music Mondays with not_luna_lovegood #2
When we first started out the blog, my colleagues and I selected which of the five themes we wanted for the first month, and I chose Music Mondays. I was extremely excited and passionate about Music Mondays and yet all of my posts for the theme, at least for the first month, were terrible! This one is basically a rant about my least favorite types of music and it was really negative. The first few posts were way too negative and were an unfair representation of who I am as a person. The types of music I selected were country and hip-hop, and I'm pretty sure there was a part about me hating Justin Bieber and One Direction at one point but I deleted it. I still actually agree with most of what I said about country music. There are a few country songs I enjoy, but for the most part, it's just not my thing. Most of it sounds the same to me. The hip-hop part is where I really cringe, because my opinions on that genre have radically changed since I wrote that post. True, there are some really terrible rap songs out there, but I enjoy quite a bit of hip-hop, which can definitely surprise those who know me. I make the claim that all rap songs are about "girls, cars, money, alcohol, and doing drugs", which is false and somewhat stereotyping. Not every hip-hop song is about those things, and there's of course one tiny little thing called IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE SONG IS ABOUT. I'm one of those people who doesn't really care about lyrics (although I'll give credit for really good or really bad ones) and mainly just cares about how a song sounds. If the song has a really good beat or a super catchy chorus, I can get into it. In fact, most of the hip-hop songs I like are about those same topics I mentioned, but I don't care. I like them because they have good beats, catchy hooks, and are fun to rap along to. Also, the "all rappers use too much autotune" claim is stupid. I can appreciate using autotune as an effect, and the reason why most rappers use it is for a cool effect and to stand out from the rest. It can be annoying but I find it cool a lot of the time. Finally, there's the now-deleted rant about 1D and Bieber, which I literally only put because I was an edgy 12-year-old. I don't hate either of those artists. The fact that I deleted that part is the reason why I can't put this post higher because at least I had some common sense and deleted it.

#6. Throwback Thursday with not_luna_lovegood #1
One of my trademarks as a blog writer is how wordy I am. I can't keep things short and sweet, and the word "concise" does not exist in my vocabulary. Some may find it annoying, but I know I'm wordy and it's one of the things I like about myself. I bring this up because the reason why this next post makes the list is because it's literally just me listing songs with no commentary or anything whatsoever. One of my personal favorite posts I've made is Billboard's Top 10 Songs In America (presented to you by not_luna_lovegood) because yes, it's listing songs, but I give commentary about them. I don't just tell you "Shut Up And Dance" is at #9 in the charts, I tell you that I'm "obsessed" with it (I still am, it's my favorite song ever) and I make a crappy pun. With the post on the list, I just say "The song of the summer in (year) was '(song)' by (artist). (Artist)'s '(song)' was the song of the summer in (year)." That is LITERALLY how the post is. It doesn't provide anything you couldn't get elsewhere from the Billboard website. It's not, it's the Brick Wall. I should have tried to do something else to differentiate the Brick Wall from, such as...I don't know...LISTING MY OPINIONS ON THE SONGS. I'm not proud of this post because it's extremely lazy. There was literally no effort put into it. Just this sum up of everything wrong with it had more thought put into it than that post. 

That's where we'll end it for this week. Next week you'll get the absolute worst I had to offer from my Brick Wall past. I'd call it the cream of the crop but those posts are pretty much the opposite of that saying. Until next week, I'm Stellar in Neverland, signing off! Peace!


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