Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Stellar's First Day Of Sophomore Year!

Hi, it's me, Stellar, and welcome to Stellar in Neverland. Today's updates:

-I started school on Tuesday, September 5th, meaning I am officially a sophomore in high school! This may affect my posting schedule at some point, but for now you can still check in for updates every Wednesday!

This is also a good transition into my post for today. Originally I was going to do some kind of music shuffle challenge but I'll save that for another time. Sometimes my blog posts will be like journal entries where I document a day of my life. These posts will be tagged under "life" for convenience, like this one. This post will just be a quick rundown of my first day of sophomore year.

I woke up at 6:10 and took a shower and got dressed. Then, my mom helped me do my hair. As she did it, I told her about how I was having some anxieties about starting this year. Basically, there were a couple of people who I just didn't want to see for multiple reasons (I did see them, but I'd like to keep my feelings to myself in case they read this). My mom told me that everything would end up being fine and there was no reason for me to freak out. After that, my family headed outside for a few first-day-of-school pictures and then went to some neighbors' for doughnuts. I had heard from a few of my neighbors that we were getting a new bus driver, which got me excited because I really don't like the one I had before. Well, actually the one I still have. Much to my disappointment, we still have the driver from the past few years, and this year was even worse because I was almost late to school because of him.

I got to school and my first class was gym. I hate gym, but I'm actually looking forward to it this year. The gym class I'm taking this year is more laid-back, and we get to do activities like biking, rock climbing, rollerblading, and softball, all of which I really enjoy. We spent the first twenty minutes going over class rules and expectations (a common theme in my day), and then we got to pick out our lockers. At the end of the hour my teacher just let us shoot hoops. I met up with a few friends and we played PIG, which I sucked at, but mostly because it was early in the morning and I wasn't trying. I'm excited for this class because my teacher is really nice and I have Banana_Elephant and Doglover (because I'm still calling them by their Brick Wall names haha) in the class.

Next we have band, which is my favorite class of the day. I've always felt that band never really felt like a class, but more like a club that we randomly go to in the middle of the morning. I've played the clarinet for five years and will continue to play it for marching band, but this year I'm switching to bass clarinet for concert band. I was pleasantly surprised to see my director at school today. My director was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, and part of me was expecting him to not be there because of the treatments and side effects of them, but he was there. Today we got an explanation of what to expect from being in band, most of which I knew from last year. I look forward to another fun year with the band fam :)

My last class of the morning is geometry. A bunch of my friends took this class last year and nearly all of them had good things to say about the teacher I ended up getting. I feel like geometry will be one of my most fun classes of the day because of the teacher and my classmates. One of my classmates wants the teacher call her Sharkeisha (not her real name, of course), leading my teacher to say that she'll eventually hate it while he'll always find it amusing. That was one of the funniest moments of my day. I've liked the geometry I've done in previous years, so I'm expecting to like this class. My teacher seems like a pretty chill and funny guy, and I look forward to having him for a teacher (and finally understanding those inside jokes Banana_Elephant and Doglover won't shut up about)

Next is lunch, which is abnormally early. My lunchtime is at 10:37, which is more of a brunchtime than a lunchtime. I didn't know what we were having for hot lunch, but I decided to take it anyway. I regretted that choice, because the mini corn dogs were disgusting. I would much rather have eaten the leftover fettuccine alfredo I had last night. I talked with my friends about how my day had been thus far and what classes I was looking forward to.

After that was RtI. If you're reading this and have no idea what that is, it's a thing the state (I won't say which one because there are at least 14 that do it) requires us to do where we go to a teacher's room and study. If a student needs extra help in a subject, they can go to a teacher who specializes in that subject, but for most of us, it's just a study hall. I have one of the art teachers for RtI this year even though I'm not taking any art classes. It was one of my least favorite parts of my day because I didn't have anything to do. I didn't have any homework because it was the first day and I forgot to bring a book or my phone. My RtI is also filled with a ton of really annoying people. However, I do like my teacher and I hope it gets better.

I also didn't really like biology, my next subject. I expected that, since one of my friends who took it last year straight-up wrote "Biology sucks" in my yearbook. My biology teacher actually student-taught for my class in seventh grade, and ever since then, I've seen him in the most random of places and I like to joke that I can't escape him. To start out the year, we did an activity where we had to build a tower made of dry spaghetti noodles, string, duct tape, and a marshmallow on the top. We did this in groups and my group and I didn't really know what we were doing, making our tower a failure. We then talked about the lab, which was boring. I don't really like doing labs, I'd prefer to just take the notes. That's pretty much the reason why I don't think I'll enjoy biology as much as the rest of my classes. I like my teacher though, even though I can't escape him.

Thankfully, the following three classes were all fine. The first of these is English, although I'm not doing any regular English class. I'm doing the honors program, which I also did last year. This is probably the class I'm most nervous for because I know I'll have to work hard to keep my grades up. My teacher seems to be pretty sarcastic and he seems to like joking around with us. He made one of my classmates recite a tongue twister for the class in exchange for an A for the semester, only to want to take it back when she did it. I would say the books I'm probably most excited to read in this class are The Book Thief and Julius Caesar, which isn't really a book but I'm still excited to read it. Today we just took notes and went over the course expectations and it was pretty laid-back.

The second-to-last class of the day is Spanish, which was one of the highlights of the day. I loved my first year of Spanish last year and I think this year will be awesome too. I had heard that some of my friends didn't really like Spanish 2 so I expected to feel the same, but the class just seems like last year's. I had also heard some bad things about the teacher, but she actually seems pretty nice based on my first day. We picked our Spanish names (mine is Catalina!) and went over basic review like the alphabet, numbers, and colors in class today. I love Spanish because I enjoy learning about other cultures, it comes easily to me, and I think learning a second language is a helpful life skill. Out of all of my classes last year, I got the best grades in Spanish, and I hope I can continue that streak.

The final class of my exhausting day was health. I actually have the same teacher for gym and health, so I get to begin and end with that teacher. I don't have a problem with that because I've had her for middle school gym and I like her a lot. By this point, I was starving because I eat lunch so early, so I quickly had a package of sandwich crackers before class began. Like with most of my classes, we went over the syllabus and what to expect in the class. The teacher also assigned us to write a letter to our future selves, allowing us to put whatever we wanted in it. I'm going to make mine be pretty funny. I'm actually surprised at how excited I am for health. I thought it would be boring but my teacher's description sounds interesting. This is where we talk about things like sex, drugs, alcohol, mental health, suicide, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can't even remember. I know it won't be the most fun class ever, but it's important that I know these things.

I got out of school around 3:20 and went to go pick up a T-shirt made to raise money for my band director's treatment. It was a bit of a hectic mess, but I got the shirt in time to catch the bus. Well, I would've probably made the bus anyway because our bus driver was late AGAIN. I hope this doesn't end up being a regular thing. My brothers and I got home about a half hour later and told our parents about our days. At around 4:30, my mom treated us with a delicious dinner of steak (my brothers' favorite), chicken tetrazzini (my favorite), dinner rolls, and Boston cream pie to finish. I spent my evening relaxing and writing this, being nervous for the new school year, but also excited.

Okay, so that was my first day of school. Hopefully it wasn't boring. I'm mainly doing this for myself, because I plan to read it on the last day and see how much of it still is true. Next week's post might be the music shuffle challenge, but there are some other ideas I'm considering. Tune in next Wednesday to see. I'm Stellar in Neverland, and I'll see you then! Peace!


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