Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Stellar in Neverland Homecoming Experience 2017!

Hi, it's me, Stellar, and welcome to Stellar in Neverland. Let's do some quick updates:
-I'm finally done with driver's ed! I took my temps test this past Friday and I passed, so now I can legally drive a car, which scares me, to be honest. Anyways, driver's ed made me feel really stressed out because it just meant I had less time to do everything I needed to in a day. Now that it's done I feel like I have a lot of weight off of my shoulders and can focus more on school and the blog. Of course, school will always be my top priority but I'm going to focus on the blog as well.

Today's post is basically a rundown of homecoming, specifically the dance on Saturday. I would say homecoming was overall pretty disappointing compared to last year's but there were some good things that happened. The dress-up days for Spirit Week weren't as good as last year's and somebody decided that the Homecoming Court should ONLY be seniors, which is so unbelievably stupid. I think that homecoming is about the school coming together and celebrating our awesomeness together, and our school is more than just the seniors. They also got rid of powderpuff, which was stupid because powderpuff is a tradition that a lot of people really liked and they really didn't have a good reason to get rid of it. Then there was the bonfire, which I didn't go to because it was the night before my temps test and I needed to study, but I heard it was pretty bad. Apparently they were having technical difficulties in various aspects and it rained throughout. I'm not the only one who thought it was disappointing this year, I've heard a lot of complaints from others too. I know my school was trying their best to make us happy but this year homecoming just fell flat and I hope they listen to our complaints and fix the issues next year.

However, Friday was a really, really good day, even with the lame pep rally. Even though I had to wake up really early for marching band rehearsal, it was still a great day. Aside from passing my temps test, I played the halftime show with the marching band (we did "Ex's and Oh's" by Elle King, "So What" by Pink, "Best Day Of My Life" by American Authors, "HandClap" by Fitz and the Tantrums, and the school song) and I was really proud of how we did. We sounded great and our movements looked sharp, even though I messed up in a few places. My school's team also won the game, which was awesome. The entire student section got to go out on the field and celebrate, which was really fun. It was the best day I had had in a while.

Friday was awesome yet exhausting, so I slept in late. I was supposed to be ready to go to my little brother's flag football game by 9:30, but I woke up a little after nine and I knew I wouldn't be able to get ready in time. My mom let me stay home and I ate a Pop Tart, went on the Internet, and watched That 70s Show. At 11:00, my mom and brother picked me up and we went to the local diner (which I'm not going to reveal the name of) for lunch. I had a barbecue bacon cheeseburger, which is what I always get there. It was great as I expected it to be.

After lunch, we went home and I proceeded to get pampered. My mom gave me a pedicure (OPI's To Eros Is Human was the base color and she did a flower design in OPI's Dancing in the Isles on my big toe, if you're REALLY curious, but I can't imagine why you would be). It took about 45 minutes to put on all of the coats or polish and dry. The next step in the pampering (for lack of a better term) was getting my hair done. My mom did my hair in curls with a small braid on the right side (I have no idea how to describe this, and I can't post pictures because I don't want to reveal my face). As she did my hair, my mom and I talked about, well, pretty much anything, but especially school, marching band, and life in general. We talked for about an hour and it was pretty nice. She then did my makeup, which was difficult because I had a cold and was sneezing and coughing. My makeup looked really good though. Mom didn't put on too much makeup, just enough so that I was able to look my best.

After the hair, makeup, and pedicure, I put on my dress. I wore a blush dress by the brand Speechless that I got from Macy's. I went to a wedding a few months ago and we bought the dress and another dress a few months ago for it. I was actually planning to wear my homecoming dress but it was light-colored and I got my...monthly gift...the day of the wedding so I chose to wear the navy dress. It was probably for the best, since the dress I wore for homecoming felt more like a homecoming dress than the one I wore to the wedding. I loved how I looked in the dress and I got compliments from quite a few people. Here is a picture of my dress if you want to see it (and also since I'm not good at describing things):

I wore the dress with nude Fioni Women's Prize Flat Sandals (yes, I looked up the exact name) that I got from Payless and wore to the wedding I mentioned before as well. They were really cute and fit with my dress perfectly. I also wore some dangly earrings my mom let me borrow and a cute bracelet I got from my grandma for Christmas a few years back. After I was fully dressed and ready for the dance, my mom took a few pictures of me in our backyard. My brother joined me for a few as well.

We then went to some gardens about twenty minutes away. Banana_Elephant was going to this girl in our grade's homecoming party and they both allowed me to tag along. We first took pictures at the gardens and I thought they turned out pretty good. I'd post them but I don't want to reveal my or my friends' faces. However there was this one part where this bee was practically on me and I was so scared. I stayed calm and stood still so it didn't hurt me, but it was still pretty scary. Next, we went to the girl who was hosting the party's house for Buffalo Wild Wings. I tried the garlic Parmesan wings for the first time and they were a little spicy but overall really good. I accidentally dropped some on my dress but thankfully the sauce was my same color as my dress so you couldn't tell. Everybody was required to bring a dish to pass so my mom made little ham and cheese sandwiches and fruit. After dinner we just hung out, talked, and checked our social media to see our classmates' homecoming pictures. The radio was on, and there was this one really awesome moment where "Bodak Yellow" by Cardi B started playing and Banana_Elephant (who really doesn't know ANYTHING about any music that isn't Hamilton or classical) was correctly able to identify that it was "the Cardi B song"! I was so proud of her.

Finally (after some struggling to get my seat belt on), the hostess's parents took us to school at about 7:15 to go to the dance! Our school has three gyms and usually the dance is in the small, crappy gym but this year it was in one of the good ones. We had to wait awhile to get into the school because of the long lines but we did get in. One of the students in the class ahead of me was the DJ. He DJ'd the dance last year and he did a really good job both years (although he didn't play "Get Low" by Lil Jon this year, which I'm pretty sure is committing a cardinal sin of school dances). Here are a few highlights:
-The DJ really didn't play that many currently popular songs from this year. Most of what he played was throwbacks to a few years ago that most of the people there knew the words to. Some of my favorites to scream the words to were "Titanium" by David Guetta, "Clarity" by Zedd, "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus (everybody got super into this song, it's a classic) and, of course, "Shut Up And Dance" by Walk The Moon (my favorite song ever).
-This year they gave us glow sticks to use during the dance and it was cool until I got one thrown at my forehead during Jason Derulo's "Want To Want Me". It wasn't fun. Oh well, I still love that song.
-The DJ just randomly told us to sit down halfway through the dance and everybody was confused. He asked us "What do you do when you sit down?" and we were still confused. Then he told us "you be humble!" and proceeded to play "Humble" by Kendrick Lamar. I've had that song on repeat for most of this year and it's a total banger so everybody got really into it. When it got to the part where Kendrick says "MY LEFT STROKE JUST WENT VIRAL" everybody screamed that line. It was great UNTIL HE CUT IT OFF IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SECOND VERSE WHICH IS THE PART I CAN ACTUALLY RAP AHH
-After "Humble" we did the Cupid Shuffle, which was fun. It's one of those songs that gets played at every wedding and school dance ever but you don't care.
-He also played "Location" by Khalid, which isn't really a "hype" song but everybody got excited when he started playing it. I've been listening to that song a lot lately so it was fun to groove along to.
-Banana_Elephant's brother was on the homecoming court and every year the seniors do this thing where they fake-strip and that song from Magic Mike that I don't know the name of plays. So yeah, she saw her brother pretend to strip and was absolutely mortified. I tried to film it but I couldn't get my camera to work in time. I was mainly just going to use it to embarrass her.
-I missed a group slow dance to "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran. That was probably for the best.
-There's this one Jay-Z and Kanye West song I really love and know all the words that I probably shouldn't say the title of since it has a...not-PG word in the title and they played it and I got so into it. I don't think Banana_Elephant (a Kanye hater) approved.
-About two-thirds of the way in, my group and I took a break and went outside for fresh air. My ears were ringing from the loud music and screaming. It obviously had had some effect on my brain since I said something about a "third ear". It was a mess.
-There was this one girl in my group who was just consistently going HAM to every song. Quidditch_Turtle and I were super-impressed.
-There was also this random guy I had never seen before (I don't think he goes to my school and I had no idea why he was there) but he was going pretty HAM too. Everybody seemed to know him except for me and my crew, who were totally oblivious.
-When the dance was almost over, I was complaining about how the DJ hadn't played "Yeah" by Usher, a school dance staple. Guess what the very next song played is?
-Not really a specific highlight but I was surprised by how many songs he played that I didn't know. There were these random trap-rap songs that everybody in the place seemed to know but I had never heard in my life. I pride myself on my great knowledge of music and the fact that I didn't know a few songs really made me angry. I guess I'll have to wait to go on Beat Shazam.
-Finally, the last song was "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey, an all-time classic that literally everybody in attendance knows the words to. We all got into a big circle and screamed the words.

At 11:00, the dance was finally over. My dad (who was at a football game with my brother all day) took me home and I took my dress and makeup off and my mom helped me undo my hair. I went to bed at about midnight, feeling satisfied and trying to process the amazing night I had had. I had thought the dance was disappointing at first but now that I'm writing it all down a few days later I realize just how much fun it was. I had a great time and I can't wait to do it all again next year.

Sorry this was long. If you read the whole thing you rock. I have no idea what I'm going to do for my next post, so you'll have to tune in next week to see. I'm Stellar in Neverland and I'll see you next time. Peace!


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