Saturday, April 4, 2020

Kpop Crash Course: Part 2 of 4

Welcome back to Kpop Crash Course, a series where I look at 100 (+1, as you'll understand) iconic kpop songs according to this video. I already enjoy kpop songs from a few groups, but I would like to learn more about the genre as a whole. For a vast majority of my life, I have only listened to songs performed in English. Kpop Crash Course allows me to expand my horizons for music, as well as learn more about Korean culture.

How this works is that I made a list of all 100 (again, +1) songs in the video. I have split the songs into four groups and will discuss twenty-five songs in each installment of the series. I will listen to each song and give a quick review of it, then rate it out of ten. Keep in mind that these opinions are based on me listening to the song once, so they may change if I hear the songs again. I would also like you to read part one of the Kpop Crash Course series, because I do more of an intro there and also explain some of the things that make kpop what it is. With all that said, let's get started!

1. “So Cool” by Sistar (2011)
So last time we had "So Hot" by the Wonder Girls, now we have "So Cool". Make of that what you will. Honestly, this song is quite obnoxious and annoying to me. I don't really like the bleeping beat and the melody is irritating. The vocals are mostly subpar, but the belting high notes at the end were actually pretty good. I don't understand what's up with the interjections from the guys throughout the song. Are they Sistar's managers or producers or something? Sistar have a few other songs in this list, and I really hope those are better. 4.5/10
2. “Step” by KARA (2011)
KARA had another song in that previous post, and it was fine, but I couldn't remember for the life of me what it was called ("Mister", apparently!). That last song wasn't terribly memorable, but this one is doing it for me. If I were to describe this song in a word, I would go "technicolor". The production is quite busy and has a lot going on. However, the song is very bright and flashy, and they cram as many hooks in it as possible. There's also a key change. I mentioned this a few times in Part One, but when it comes to key changes in songs, I'm like a child distracted by shiny things. I just end up thinking, "OOH PRETTY KEY CHANGE" and I smile. This song is a lot to handle because it is very loud and bold, so I can't see myself wanting to listen to it all the time. But when I am in the mood for a lot, I might have to listen to this one. 8.5/10
3. “Trouble Maker” by Trouble Maker (2011)
I really can't think of any songs off the top of my head that have the same name as the band who made them. A quick Google search gives me some examples, but even in cases where I've heard of the band, I've never heard the song (for example, Green Day has a song called "Green Day", but I've never heard it). Long story short, the band and the song both being called "Trouble Maker" is a novelty for me. Another quick Google search tells me that the group Trouble Maker is a duo made up of Hyuna (of 4minute and solo fame) and Hyunseung (of Beast fame), so I guess it's like a supergroup but with only two people. I like the more R&B feel of this song, and although I can see why somebody would find the whistling annoying, I think it's cute and catchy. I would say I prefer Hyunseung's contributions to this song over Hyuna's. His vocals are so smooth. This song is pretty good, I like it. 9/10
4. “Alone” by Sistar (2012)
Another Sistar song, fingers crossed I like it more than the other one. And upon listening, I do! Yay! I really want to like these groups, because being negative isn't fun for anyone. This is an improvement over "So Cool" in every way, with stronger vocals and production. I really like the added elements of guitar and especially those piano chords. I like how this song goes for a more sultry feeling, giving Sistar some diversity to their sound. The girls also sound pretty strong, with this repeated high note sample coming into play throughout the song. While "So Cool" may be more immediately memorable, this track sticks with you in the long run. It's like "So Cool" is a Laffy Taffy, sugary sweet but without much substance, whereas "Alone" is a juicy steak: savory, more interesting, and leaves you satisfied for a long time. That metaphor is completely bizarre but it makes sense to my bizarre mind. 8.5/10
5. “Electric Shock” by f(x) (2012)
This song sort of reminds me of "Step", in the way that it's very loud and explosive. I think this one is better, but I like both. I like the contrast between the more melodic verses and the stuttered chorus. The production is very of-its-time and although I'm not huge on the early 2010s synth-party kind of style, it's not too bad here. It doesn't sound too rough or dated. I like this one. Although when reading the comments, I did learn that tragically, one of the members of f(x), Sulli, died from suicide last year. I talked about this in Part One, but because kpop is such a strict industry, many of its performers suffer from mental illnesses as a result of the stress from being in the public eye, and in worst case scenarios, they end it all. It breaks my heart, and I sincerely hope that these idols get the help they need before it's too late. Rest in peace to Sulli and everyone else in a situation like hers. I only know her from this song (it doesn't feel right to abruptly give a score after what I just said, but for continuity's sake, it's a 9/10), but she deserved better. Everyone who died young, whatever the cause, be it a suicide, overdose, murder, car crash, they all deserved better.
6. “Face” by Nu’Est (2012)
Not trying to be super ignorant, but is it just me or is this group's name really dumb? I can't help but think that this purposeful misspelling of "newest", especially with the apostrophe, is really dumb. Considering my gripes with the group's name, I'm surprised that I actually really like this. Honestly, it kind of sounds like a Korean High School Musical song, but like, one of the good ones, not one of Gabriella's countless weepy ballads. I think the one it reminds me of most is probably "Now or Never" from the third movie. I could have gone without the dubstep breakdown, but this was released in 2012, so of course dubstep was all the rage. I really like the powerful energy this song has. This surprised me. 9.5/10
7. “Fantastic Baby” by BIGBANG (2012)
This one I know from one of the countless "React to Kpop" videos from the Fine Brothers. I think it was one of the YouTubers React videos. This song also is "one of the biggest kpop hits ever" according to Billboard, it was #1 on WatchMojo's Top 10 Iconic K-Pop Songs video from 2015, and it even appeared in a trailer for Pitch Perfect 2. My favorite thing about this song is how in the prechorus, it's all building tension, one of the dudes does a pretty nice long note, then those three iconic words: "WOW, FANTASTIC BABY." I also think the guys did a good job with the rapping, with some nice flows. This is one of the most iconic songs of this entire genre for how well it blends hip hop with dubstep and for how many memorable hooks it has. Not exactly my favorite song ever, but I still commend it. 8/10
8. “Gangnam Style” by PSY (2012)
But as memorable as that last song was, it's no "Gangnam Style." Released on July 15, 2012, "Gangnam Style" is hands-down the most iconic kpop song ever created. And if you're going to argue "No, BTS is more iconic!" or something, trust me, I was there in 2012. This song was goddamn everywhere. It was the first video ever on YouTube to reach a billion views, and for nearly five years, it held on to its position as the most viewed video on the entire site. Everyone was doing the dance and making parodies, from CollegeHumor to Weird Al to to the X-Factor to NASA to Barack freaking Obama. This song is also pretty nostalgic for me because my brother was so obsessed with doing the dance when he was little, so I spent a lot of time on YouTube, devouring every "Gangnam Style"-related video I could find. I eventually discovered The Fine Brothers through this, which led to me being aware of so many viral Internet phenomena that I missed when I was younger, including Nyan Cat, "Friday" by Rebecca Black, "Chocolate Rain", and the perfection that is "Charlie the Unicorn." Because of how massive and famous this song is, it feels weird to even review it like I've been reviewing all these songs. As a song, I guess it's fine? But what really stands out is, of course, that video. Literally every frame of this damn video will be permanently embedded in my brain for the rest of eternity. If I was just reviewing this song as a song, entirely removed from the video and cultural context, it would probably be a 6/10. But due to what this song meant to the world and to my personal Internet upbringing, I'm gonna give it a 10/10. And when I started this project, I did not expect to be getting all profound about "Gangnam Style" of all things, but that's where we are.
9. “I Got A Boy” by Girls’ Generation (2012)
I talked about a few Girls' Generation songs in Part One, but even with that, I never expected them to make something this utterly bananas. Sarah Lundbäck Bell, one of the song's writers, said that the group's label, SM Entertainment, wanted it to sound like "a musical showtune song." It definitely doesn't sound like any Broadway song I've heard, but I get that. The song has so many tonal shifts that it puts you on the edge of your seat upon your first listen. There are so many different parts and styles, from hip hop to bubblegum to dubstep to even rock, that you don't know where it will go next. It's also extremely charming and catchy, with melodic hooks to spare. This song is bonkers in the best way. I'm only 34 songs into my Kpop Crash Course, but I will be seriously surprised if I find a more eclectic and exciting song than this. 10/10
10. “I Will Show You” by Ailee (2012)
It still surprises me how rare solo artists seem to be in kpop, as Ailee is only the second I have come across in these posts*. Also rare is that Ailee was actually born in Denver. Typically, foreign-born kpop idols are from neighboring countries, like China or Japan, but Ailee was raised in the US. The first thing I notice about this song is that Ailee is an absolute powerhouse of a vocalist. She nails every single note thrown her way, and she does it with a fierce attitute. Disappointingly, this is the only song of hers I'm going to be looking at in this series, but I think I might have to check into her work outside of this, or at least watch a few live performances. I love nothing more than powerhouse female vocalists.The song is great too. This is a diva song, but it doesn't have any obnoxious or haughty attitudes. I love how it switches from a somber piano ballad to a more uptempo, fierce song. I know I go on about key changes, but between these last two songs (and also my love of "Fix You" by Coldplay), I'm starting to think that I like tonal or tempo shifts even more. Also noted is that both the video I found these songs in and the official music video say the song is called "I Will Show You", but Ailee's Wikipedia entry says it's called "I'll Show You". Call it what you want, but I'm a fan either way. 9.5/10
*edit: my dumb ass somehow forgot "gangnam style" i'm not even sure how that happened
11. “Wow” by BTOB (2012)
A new group for this series! And unlike groups like Girls' Generation, Super Junior, and BIGBANG, I can't say I've heard of these guys before. So what do I think of it? First thought: oh my god, this sounds like the 90s. The percussion track sounds like that of "Finesse" by Bruno Mars, which was inspired by the new jack swing genre of the late 80s and early 90s. I also hear some Backstreet Boys elements in there, as well as some Latin-inspired guitars, which are reminiscent of the rise in Latin-inspired songs at the end of the 90s. I even think there are a few parts that sound like Mario games, like a Mario coin effect and some choral parts in the background that I swear I've heard during Mario Kart. I'm not too familiar with the music of the 90s, but I really like what I've heard, and as a result, I really like this song. I already really like it, but I feel like I'll grow to like it even more as I hear it more. 9.5/10
12. “Bar Bar Bar” by Crayon Pop (2013)
This sounds like what I expected kpop to be. It's very sugary and obnoxious and I can't say I'm a fan. It's certainly an earworm, but not in a good way. It's just annoying. I do like the added electric guitar in the production, which was nice. Other than that, I don't have much to say. I don't like it. 2/10
13. “Hush” by Miss A (2013)
I listened to a few Miss A songs in Part One. I liked both songs and even decided on a bias from the group (Jia, the group's rapper, because I liked her dyed hair). But as much as I liked the other two songs, this is even better. If I were to describe this song in one word, I would go "slinky." It definitely sees the group going in a more mature, sexy direction. The chorus of "kiss kiss kiss, baby, hush hush hush, baby" isn't an in-your-face earworm, but it's still pretty catchy. This song wasn't an aggressive banger like a lot of these songs have been, and it stands out for that. I've discussed in the past that I really love the kpop group Twice, and what do you know, they have done multiple covers of this song. If Twice's next single were to be in this vein, I'd be a very happy Once. 10/10
14. “No No No” by Apink (2013)
When I imagine a kpop girl group song, I swear this is like the exact thing I'd be thinking about. I've never even heard this song prior to this, but this is pretty much the ideal of what girl group kpop is. It's very sweet, features some sweet vocals, and is really catchy. However, I still really like it. I like the funky guitar in the production and how the song manages to be sweet, but not overly cloying, at least to me. I also really liked how towards the end, the chords start to shift and one of the girls belts a high note and you think it's gonna be a key change, but it doesn't. I feel like I should be disappointed that there wasn't a key change, but instead, I think the bait-and-switch was pulled off very effectively. Side note: I really like the group's outfits in the video! It takes me back to a simpler era, specifically, in 2013, when dressing like Ariana Grande in Victorious was cool. 8/10
15. “One Shot” by B.A.P. (2013)
So for most of these, I've been playing the music video in the background, occasionally flipping back to see what the video looks like (That's how we get observations like the one about the fashion in the Apink video or that Jia from Miss A's hair looks great.) I was gonna do that for this one, but the video is literally seven minutes long and the song is only four. I'm kind of regretting not watching the video, because this song is very cinematic and deserves an insane music video with a crazy plot and stunts. It has a string section, powerful guitars, sirens, the cocking of a gun, and even a choir in the outro that damn gave me chills when I heard it (and also reminds me of Super Smash Bros.). Plus, the song this most reminds me of is "Lose Yourself" by Eminem of all things, which did win an Oscar for being in 8 Mile. Yes, part of that is because "one shot" is said in the chorus of "Lose Yourself," but also because I think they go for similar vibes. This song is so large in scope and cinematic, and I genuinely loved it. Also, the group's name, B.A.P. is an acronym for "Best Absolute Perfect." At first, I thought, "oh, that's narcissistic," but to be fair, this is absolutely one of the best songs I've heard for this project. 10/10
16. “Ringa Linga” by Taeyang (2013)
Another song by a solo artist! However, I think Ailee's still the only truly solo artist we've covered, as Taeyang is a member of BIGBANG.* I can't think of what this song in particular reminds me of, but it definitely fits in with the aggressive trap-rap of its era. It's very hard-hitting with a thumping, catchy beat. Taeyang also shows a brash, confident personality. I don't know anything about him personally, but listening to this song, I get a vibe for who he is and what he wants to do as a solo artist. I just want to figure out what song in particular this song reminds me of. It's gonna bug me for a long time. 8/10
edit: once again, i somehow forgot that psy was a solo artist? i don't even know how i messed that up
17. “Rocking” by Teen Top (2013)
2013 kpop seems to sound a lot like Western music in 2013. There was a lot of this brash electronic style in 2013, with the "Harlem Shake" song and many of the songs from Kesha and Lady Gaga at this period ("Die Young" and "Applause") being good examples of it. This song is another example of this style, and there are parts of it I like, but as a whole, I'm not a fan. The verses are pretty good, but the chorus is irritating, with its high pitched synths and nasally vocals. This song was not my favorite, and I'd prefer to listen to most of the other songs here over this one. 4/10
18. "Growl" by EXO (2013)
You know how I kept going on about there being 100 songs in this selection, plus one? Yeah, this is the plus one. In the video where I chose these songs, it did originally have 100 songs, but the title did say "READ DESCRIPTION," and the description said that hele, the channel that made the video, forgot this song. Knowing that, I decided to put it in here anyway. EXO are one of the most popular kpop groups, even performing this very song at the 2018 Winter Olympics. This song is fine. I like the rhythmic feel of it and the more R&B flavor. The guys also do a nice job with the vocals. This song is fine, but I feel like EXO will have better songs in their discography. 7/10
19. “Catallena” by Orange Caramel (2014)
From looking at the title, I can't help but think: Hey, remember when I did the Stellar Adventures of Catalina in Neverland series on my blog? Don't read those, they're both really bad. Other than that, this group is a subgroup of After School, a group you'll remember if you read Part One. The video for this song is also really weird, featuring the girls as- I can't make this up- sushi. The song itself isn't bad. I really like the disco production, which reminds me of ABBA. The vocals are a mixed bag, with some of the higher belted notes being pretty good, but the high-pitched singing towards the beginning of the track is quite annoying. It feels like a lot of the songs I've been reviewing here have been really good, like 8's or higher, and the ones that I haven't liked as much have often been 5's or lower. It's nice to have something right in the middle. "Catallena" is a 6/10, a perfectly passable song.
20. “Come Back Home” by 2NE1 (2014)
This song is another one with different stylistic shifts. It's a mix between R&B, electropop, reggae, and trap, with some acoustic elements. I really like the reggae vibes in the verses, the acoustic parts, and the chorus. The chorus has a soaring, melancholic melody and I like the midtempo style of it. I also really love the drum fills that play throughout the song, most prominently in the chorus. I do not, however, like the beat drop and everything that happens after it. It's kind of annoying. The obvious song I'm gonna compare it to is "I Got A Boy" as they're both kpop girl group songs with different stylistic shifts. However, "I Got A Boy" is more optimistic and sweet while "Come Back Home" is very melancholy. I prefer "I Got A Boy" overall, but the gloom of "Come Back Home" still has its place. 7/10
21. “Good Boy” by GD x Taeyang (2014)
Both GD, or G-Dragon, and Taeyang are members of BIGBANG and they decided to make a hip-hop duo in 2014. And I'm sorry, but I just don't like this at all. The beat is annoying, and at one point, I swear they stole the beat from "Turn Down For What." Okay, they probably didn't steal it, but it sounds exactly the same. I also just think it's amusing how they keep calling themselves "good boys" as an attempt to sound all tough and macho, when the phrase "good boy" is mostly used to talk to dogs. Oh, who's a good boy? Do you want to play fetch? I do have to admit that the buildup to the drop is pretty nice, but the drop and everything that follows is not good. I'm starting to think that I prefer BIGBANG as a group, sorry to say. 3/10
22. “Like a Cat” by AOA (2014)
Did this song just seriously begin with air horns? The intro is annoying, with one of the girls talking in this very high-pitched, nasally voice. The rest of the song is okay, but the intro is still pretty unbearable. I like the hints of saxophone in the chorus and the more disco-style guitars. The bridge is also pretty nice. I don't like the repetition of "I'm good, I'm hot, I'm fresh, I'm fly" because the girl's voice is annoying. The song is fine, but there are better. 6.5/10
23. “Miniskirt” by AOA (2014)
Well, here's another AOA song. Let's hope this one is better. And listening to it...holy crap, I swear some of the melodies sound like "Breakthrough" by Twice! "Breakthrough" is my favorite Twice song, so I really think these melodic similarities are just coincidental. I don't think they'd intentionally steal a song. As for "Miniskirt," it's definitely better than the last one. It has a more sultry retro vibe, and I really like the airy, sensual high notes. I love my occasional sugary sweet pop song, but I'm finding that I prefer the more mature songs in kpop. It happened with Sistar and now it's happening again with AOA. 8/10
24. “Overdose” by EXO-K (2014)
I've touched on this before, but many kpop groups have sub-groups/sub-units, which are smaller groups within a group that release their own music outside of the main group. EXO has two sub-groups: EXO-K, the Korean members of the group, and EXO-M, the Chinese members. This song is by the former, and this is pretty awesome. I like the powerful pulse of this song and how dark but catchy it is. Just judging from the title, I'm pretty sure that this song's lyrics are like, "your love is like a drug, so addictive but so toxic," and reading a translated version of the lyrics: yup, that's pretty much exactly what it is. I've spoken about how I hate how overused the "love is a drug" metaphor is, but that doesn't mean a song that uses it is bad. The best moment of this song is the bridge, where they tone things down, then use a harmonized high note to effortlessly transition into the rap verse. That was great. 9/10
25. “Something” by Girl’s Day (2014)
This is another kpop group with a name that I can't help but make fun of. Seriously, "Girl's Day" sounds like a teen magazine from the 90s. Despite that, this song seems to be tailor-made to appeal to me. Like so many of my favorite songs, this is a sultry yet fun retro-inspired synthpop bop with great vocals. This could totally fit into my playlist with the likes of "Run Away With Me" by Carly Rae Jepsen, "Into You" by Ariana Grande, and "Breakthrough" and "Fancy" by Twice. Speaking of "Fancy", the aesthetic of the "Something" music video reminds me of the aesthetic for the "Fancy" video and I love it. Although reading the comments tells me this song is about cheating...yeah, I'm glad I don't understand the lyrics and can just enjoy this song for the pop perfection it is. 10/10
26. “Touch My Body” by Sistar (2014)
We started with Sistar and we're going to end with them. Funny thing is that Google says this is a cover of "Touch My Body" by Mariah Carey, and it absolutely is not. This song is up there with "California Gurls" by Katy Perry, "Cool for the Summer" by Demi Lovato, and literally everything Calvin Harris released in 2017 as a song that was just made for summer. I can't even describe it, it just sounds like a summer beach party. Let's hope people will actually be able to go to the beach (and listen to this song, if they so choose to) this summer and we won't be quarantined. Although a worldwide pandemic hasn't stopped some people from going to the beach...and promptly getting COVID-19 afterward. Whatever, this song is still fun. 9.5/10

Also...I just noticed this, but hele also uploaded 100 MORE LEGENDARY K-POP SONGS, a sequel to the video compilation we are analyzing in this series, a few weeks ago. I'll probably look at those songs at a later date. It has "Playing with Fire", which is 100% Blackpink's best song, as well as "Fancy", which is 100% Twice's best single (in Korean, at least), so I'm very inclined to look at the songs in that compilation. But for now, I'd just like to finish the first four parts of Kpop Crash Course. And we can't finish the second installment of this series without looking at the best and worst of the bunch!

I touched on this earlier, but it felt like I was really damn positive this time. In Part One, I didn't give a single 10/10. In Part Two, I gave four. Just for kicks, I added all of my scores from the past edition to find that in Part One, the songs got an average score of 6.9 (heh). In Part Two, the average was 7.6. This is a good bunch of songs, and if Parts Three and Four are going to have groups like Blackpink and Twice, who I already love, then the positivity will continue! Enough stalling, here is every song I gave a 9 or higher:
-"I Got A Boy" by Girls' Generation
-"Hush" by Miss A
-"One Shot" by B.A.P.
-"Something" by Girl's Day
(I guess "Gangnam Style" was a 10/10, but that's more because of its cultural impact than because it was an actual 10/10 quality song.)
-"Face" by Nu'Est
-"I Will Show You" by Ailee
-"Wow" by BTOB
-"Touch My Body" by Sistar
-"Trouble Maker" by Trouble Maker
-"Electric Shock" by f(x)
-"Overdose" by EXO-K

That’s 11/26 songs that got a 9/10 or higher. That means 42% of these songs are top-tier for me. That’s insane! And as much as I don't want to bring down the mood, I guess these are my least favorites, every song that got a 5/10 or lower:
-"So Cool" by Sistar
-"Bar Bar Bar" by Crayon Pop
-"Rocking" by Teen Top
-"Good Boy" by GD x Taeyang

Only four songs lower than a 5/10? I'm really starting to love kpop! Honestly, this was really fun, and I might just do Kpop Crash Course Part Three. Part Three will feature more songs from acts like BIGBANG and EXO, my personal favorites Twice and Blackpink, and, of course, the global phenomenon that is BTS. I'm excited for it. If I don't have KPCC3 (because that's what we're calling it now) out next week, then I'll do another MOVIE TALK. See you next Saturday.


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