Friday, March 13, 2020

I Don't Know What to Title This

Breaking news: did you know that the coronavirus is a worldwide pandemic that may or may not kill us all?

It seems like for the past week, it seems like we as a collective society have thought about the coronavirus and only the coronavirus. So much has gotten cancelled or postponed already, from sporting events like the NCAA tournament to Coachella to a whole bunch of schools all around the world. We've already seen figures like Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, NBA player Rudy Gobert, and Justin Trudeau's wife, Sophie, announce their diagnosis with the virus, and who knows who's next?

So, I've mentioned in some posts that I have an anxiety disorder, and a big part of what constitutes my anxiety is worrying about the health of myself and my loved ones. I spend a lot of time irrationally worrying about the people I love dying. Considering that I do this normally, you can imagine how I'm handling this coronavirus business. I don't think it's supposed to be that deadly, only majorly affecting the elderly. However, with the constant stream of news in my face makes me worry, because of course it does. 

The point of this post is just to get something out for this week, and basically say that I don't have any motivation to write anything actually requiring work. I was planning to do a MOVIE TALK on Space Jam because that's on Netflix now and I feel like I should see it at some point. But with all this coronavirus news being absolutely inescapable, I'm not in the right headspace to write anything better. I'm not sure if I should keep making new posts if the coronavirus continues to be as prevalent as it is. It would just feel wrong for me to be writing all about pop music when people are out there dying. Is this another hiatus? Is this the end of Stellar in Neverland permanently? (I sincerely hope not, because I wouldn't want to leave the blog like this.) Is this all just a crazy overreaction? I don't know, I just want to take things one day at a time. 

Bye for now, and remember, keep yourself safe. Keep a good distance from people, get yourself to a doctor if you think you have the symptoms, and wash your goddamn hands. 


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