Thursday, September 27, 2018

Why am I posting on a Thursday?

Hi, I’m Stellar, and it’s been a while. Well, really, more like three weeks, but it feels like an eternity. The reason why I haven’t posted is not because I got kidnapped or died or anything. It’s because I’m an AP student and I’ve been too busy and stressed to post. It sucks, because I really am passionate about this blog, but I just haven’t had time. Next week, I’d like to have another post up, but it’s going to be a big project so it might take a little longer than expected. And as for the answer to the question in the title: I’m posting on a Thursday because I meant to post yesterday, but I had an APUSH test I needed to study for. The test was this morning.

So that’s all I have for now. See you whenever.


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