Wednesday, August 8, 2018

10 Stupidly Funny YouTube Videos That Make Me Smile Every Time

Hi, I'm Stellar, and anxiety is a pain. My anxiety has been pretty horrible these past two months, and a side effect of that is a lack of motivation. I have ideas for posts, but I don't have any motivation to write them. I had this post ranking the Disney Princesses planned, and I wanted it to be this super-insightful and important thing, but I didn't have any motivation to do it. I had time, I just didn't want to write it. So I figured I needed to dumb it down for a week. Today I'm going to talk about ten YouTube videos that maybe aren't the most intelligent things on the Internet, but can certain make me laugh every time. When I'm having a particularly crappy day, I turn to these wonders of the Internet. This isn't gonna be anything super deep, because most of these videos are short yet funny (to me, at least) and speak for themselves. I might make a sequel to this because there are a ton more stupid videos on the Internet that I enjoy, but I'm just starting out with ten. Also, I will be linking each video for you to watch, if you so choose to. So let's go.

Out of all these videos, I think this is ultimately my favorite. It's at 141 million views as I write this, so you've probably already seen it. But in case you haven't, basically it's He-Man and his friends singing the 90s song "What's Up" by 4 Non Blondes. I know this song and pretty much all the words entirely because of this video. It's just so weird, random, and dare I say gay (I don't mean that as an insult, I mean it's so over-the-top and stereotypically gay) I can't watch it without busting out laughing. The song is so catchy and the He-Man voice is so weird yet funny it makes me laugh every time. A true Internet classic.

I think the title of this one speaks for itself. It's a cover of "How Far I'll Go", the signature song from Disney's Moana, with a twist- it's performed by Toad from Super Mario. Obviously, it's not the real voice actor of Toad, but the person impersonating Toad does a pretty accurate job. The voice is pretty high-pitched and it's yelling the entire song, so I could see how this one would get annoying fast, but I find it hilarious. The funniest part of all is the oinking every time Moana's pet pig is on screen. "Oink oink oink oinkity oink."

#3. Toto- Africa on a budget
I've watched this video so many times it's unhealthy. "Africa" by Toto became a meme pretty recently for some reason, and there are a ton of goofy covers on the Internet. This one, performed by Joe Jenkins, is by far my favorite. It's the song performed on a plethora of cheap dollar-store instruments, like a $1 piano that sounds like its battery is dying, a duck-fart-kazoo thing, and a really cheap slide whistle. I like how the cover is legitimately pretty good, even if the instruments are horrible quality and Joe looks dead inside in every single frame of the video. I've seen a bunch of Joe Jenkins' other videos, and from what I've seen, it appears he does nothing but parody covers of popular songs on crappy instruments. I like him.

#4. Bart hits Homer with a chair but it's Despacito (or as I call it, "Simpspacito")
I initially saw this video on Instagram, but it's on YouTube as well so I had to mention it. The title explains perfectly what it is. It's a clip from The Simpsons where Homer is taking a bath when his son Bart hits him with a chair for no reason. Once Homer gets hit with the chair, "Despacito" by Luis Fonsi plays for some reason. The first time I saw this video, I was blown away by how something could be so stupid and unfunny it could turn around and end up being funny. I think when I saw it on Instagram, the caption was "before I used to laugh at jokes, but now I find this hilarious" and yeah that's pretty accurate. Ah, Simpspacito. How I love you so.

#5. Yee
Despite being only ten seconds long, this video has quite possibly the most baffling backstory out of all these videos. It was taken from the Italian version of Dinosaur Adventure, a low-budget knockoff of The Land Before Time. It's a clip of one dinosaur singing a song and another dinosaur says "Yee" in a really weird, almost defensive voice. Like all these other videos, it's so stupid I find it amusing. The song is cute and catchy (fun fact, I taught myself how to play it on piano. It's actually really easy!) and it's a bop. Plus this video is the first in the legendary important videos playlist!

#6. You on Kazoo!
This video might be my seven-year-old brother's favorite video ever. Every time I show him it, he just laughs the entire time. My brother isn't known for having a sophisticated sense of humor (this is a kid who thinks farts and poop jokes are the pinnacle of comedy, after all), so it's impressive that I think You on Kazoo is hilarious as well. This one was taken from some weird kids' show called Special Friends, and it centers around this way-too-hyper kid. He likes to SIIING, DAAANCE, PRETENNND, AAAND...KAAAAA-ZOOOOOOO! He plays kazoo a few times, dances around to attract a "pretend spirit", and sings a terrifying song. I'm pretty sure some mind-altering substances were used during the making of this video. Not by the kids, of course, but by the producers.

#7. Double Take - "Hot Problems"
I discovered this one from the Teens React video where they react to it. At first I was sort of afraid to watch it because my nine-year-old brain assumed it would be really vulgar and inappropriate for some reason. Then I actually saw it, and it's not really vulgar or inappropriate. It's just a really, really terrible song. It's such a terrible song that some people think it's worse than "Friday" by Rebecca Black, one of the most infamously awful songs of all time. I don't think "Hot Problems" is worse than Friday, and I don't even hate it a little bit. Yeah, it's terrible, but you can tell it's terrible on purpose. The girls aren't even trying to hide the fact that they can't sing, and the lyrics are stupid and shallow, but that's the point. The girls have outright said they just wanted to make a funny song to show their friends, and I don't know why everyone got so offended when's clearly a joke!

#8. "Shia LaBeouf" Live- Rob Cantor
This one is significantly less stupid than the others, but it's still hilarious to me. It's a song about being stuck in the woods with famous actor Shia LaBeouf...who is actually a psychopathic serial killer. The song would be hilariously bizarre enough without the performance video, but the video makes it so much better. It's so over-the-top it's incredible. They got a string quartet, multiple choirs, multiple dancers, and ribbon acrobats...all to perform a song about Shia LaBeouf being a serial killer. My favorite moment is when it's revealed Shia isn't dead and it just says "SHIA SURPRISE!" Well, that or the twist at the end. Watch the video if you haven't seen it, it's amazing.

#9. HUMBLE but Kendrick has a mental breakdown
"HUMBLE." by Kendrick Lamar was easily one of the most popular and talked about songs of 2017. What if this song was performed while Kendrick was having a mental breakdown? Then, of course, you'd get this video. It's the song remixed to feature lots of random yet funny moments, and it just appeals to my weird sense of humor. My favorite part is when it says "Rice, rice, I want to eat some rice". Not only does it show a pretty funny edited picture of Kendrick marveling at a bowl of rice, it also shows a picture of the YouTuber RiceGum. This video contains a lot of explicit language, so proceed with caution, and don't watch it when your parents are around.

#10. ariana grande's new song is so good
Pretty much all of these videos are stupid in some way, shape, or form, but this one may take the cake for the stupidest of all. It's literally just a version of "No Tears Left To Cry" by Ariana Grande where it's edited to sound...wiggly? Is that a good way to describe it? I feel like it is. All this video is is the song edited to sound funny. It shouldn't even be that funny, but I laugh so hard every time I hear it. It just sounds so weird! My sense of humor is the worst oh my god.

Okay, so this was the most random post I've ever done, but I wasn't in the mood to write anything more thought-provoking. Next Wednesday, we're talking about the Nickelodeon show that defined the childhood of a lot of Gen Z kids (such as mine) and made Ariana Grande famous: Victorious! I'm listing off my top ten favorite episodes of the show and talking about them. Hopefully it's better than the last time I did a Top Ten Episodes of a Nickelodeon show (the SpongeBob one on my old blog, which isn't even worth linking because it SUCKS). Then next week we're talking about Ariana's new album on Wednesday, and surprise! I'm doing a post on Thursday for the first time! Thursday, August 23rd is the one-year anniversary of Stellar in Neverland, so I'm planning to do a special thing for it. But first, I'll see you for the Victorious post on Wednesday. Peace!


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