Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Stellar's Music Tag

Hi, I’m Stellar, and welcome to Stellar in Neverland. I’m going on vacation in a few days and it will last a week, so I’m letting you know ahead of time that I’m skipping next week’s post. I also knew I wanted to do an easier post this week because I knew most of my week would be taken up by preparing for the trip. This is sort of similar to some other posts I’ve done and don’t feel like linking, and it is a Music Tag. It’s just going to be me answering 31 music-related questions, which I found from here. I think you’re supposed to “tag” people and ask them to do it, but I’m not going to because I don’t really have any blogger friends.

#1. The last song you listened to?
“No Tears Left To Cry” by Ariana Grande, because I am a good stan.
#2. Last song you purchased?
I don’t buy music usually. I use Spotify or YouTube.
#3. Song you discovered on YouTube/Tumblr?
I discovered “Reminder” by The Weeknd from a “Try Not To Sing Along” video. Issa bop.
#4. Favorite soundtrack piece?
Based off of what the person I stole this from put for their answer, I’m guessing this question is referring to like, instrumental scores. I don’t listen to scores outside of the movie, TV show, or video game they come from. Most of the Mario Kart songs are pretty awesome, especially when it’s on the last lap and it speeds up.
#5. Favorite band?
Fall Out Boy or Panic! At The Disco. I genuinely can’t decide which of the two I like more, because they both have really special places in my heart.
#6. Favorite solo artist?
Ariana Grande.
#7. Favorite album?
Folie a Deux by Fall Out Boy.
#8. Best live gig/ act you want to see?
I’ve never been to a concert, so I’ll do artists I want to see live before I die. Outside of the artists I listed as my favorites, I want to see Beyonce, Bruno Mars, and Lady Gaga because they’re all really great performers. On the other side of the spectrum, a Twenty One Pilots show would be pretty cool. From what I’ve seen on YouTube, they do a great job of getting the crowd hyped.
#9. Guilty pleasure song?
I know I gave it a 5/10 when I reviewed the album, but “Swish Swish” by Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj has become a guilty pleasure for me. Like yeah, Katy’s lyrics are baffling and embarrassing and the music video is unbelievably stupid, but everything else is actually pretty good. The 90s-house beat is awesome, the melody is catchy, and Nicki’s verse might be my favorite she’s ever done. It’s just so over-the-top and has some great lines (the Offset line is hilarious) to me. My favorite moment is when Nicki’s like “damn man, this b***h is a stan” because I find it really funny. I think this song’s just grown on me because it’s on Just Dance 2018 and I have fun playing it, but it’s still a guilty pleasure for me.
#10. Song you used to hate but now like?
“XO TOUR Llif3” by Lil Uzi Vert. I didn’t really hate it, but I wasn’t exactly a fan at first because I thought Uzi’s voice was annoying. The more I listened to it, the more I liked it.
#11. Song you used to like but now can’t stand?
“One Dance” by Drake and some other people. When it first came out, I was like OMG THIS IS THE BEST SONG EVER. Then it got massively overplayed and dominated the charts for way too long. I also just realized it’s not that great of a song, at least compared to some of Drake’s other work.
#12. Group you wish had never split?
Does One Direction count? I know they’re all doing solo projects now, but I think they’ve broken up for good now. I like their solo projects fine (especially Harry’s), but I’d love more cheesy bubblegum singles from the whole group.
#13. Favorite song from a video game?
The Just Dance games have a lot of really great songs. I don’t know what my all-time favorite is, but for now I’m just gonna say “Hey Ya” by Outkast because everybody loves that song.
#14. Favorite song from a film?
“I’ll Make A Man Out Of You” from Mulan. Best Disney song ever.
#15. Favorite song from an advert (commercial)?
“24K Magic” by Bruno Mars. I’m pretty sure it was in some Hershey commercial. Not necessarily my all-time favorite song, but I do like it a lot.
#16. Song you grew up with?
“The Climb” by Miley Cyrus. I was so obsessed with it when I was six or seven. I’m pretty sure the only reason why I still like it now is because of my nostalgia.
#17. First song/album you ever bought?
I’ve never bought an album for myself, but somebody bought me a High School Musical soundtrack album when I was little.
#18. Album you accidentally found and love?
I don’t know if I’ve ever “accidentally found” an album. Most albums I’ve listened to, I’ve done so because either A. It is by a band/artist I like, B. It’s by an artist I’ve heard a little bit from and think I will like, or C. It is by a huge pop star and I’m listening to it for my blog. I’m skipping this.
#19. Favorite foreign language song?
The Spanish national anthem: “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, obviously. There’s also this one song I discovered from Just Dance 2017 called “Bonbon” by Era Istrefi. I don’t even know what language it’s in (Wikipedia says Albanian, also holy crap there’s a Post Malone remix) but it’s got a cool beat.
#20. A song from the year you were born?
“Clocks” by Coldplay. Wikipedia says it technically wasn’t released as a single until 2003 but the album it’s on (A Rush of Blood to the Head) was released in 2002 so it counts.
#21. Song from your favorite music genre?
I think ultimately my favorite genre is pop. I obviously don’t love every pop song out there, but when pop is good, it’s simply stellar. It’s also the most fun to talk about for me. A random pop song from my playlist is “Touch” by Little Mix.
There was no question #22 so I’m making one up. A song you like by an artist you normally don’t?
I have so many opinions on Taylor Swift and a lot of them are negative, but “Delicate” has really grown on me. I gave it a 6.5/10 initially when I reviewed Reputation, but I’d probably upgrade that to a 9.5/10, if I’m being honest. I think it’s now my favorite Taylor Swift song at this point.
#23. Most overrated song?
“Havana” by Camila Cabello. Fight me.
#24. Song you would recommend to everyone?
Skipping this one, because music is so subjective. I have songs that are very close to my heart, but I wouldn’t share them with every single person I know. The idea of playing a song I love for someone close to me, only to have them say “this is annoying” or “you like this?” gives me anxiety.
#25. Song that reminds you of a specific event?
“Sugar, We’re Goin Down” by Fall Out Boy. The event? Waiting to get out of shop class in middle school, hearing one of the workshops playing “Sugar, We’re Goin Down”, and subtly losing it. And by subtly losing it, I mean “keeping calm on the outside, but dying of excitement and happiness on the inside”. The song still gives me a massive rush of happiness to this day.
#26. Song you can’t help but sing along to?
“Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond. I’ve read that one of the most telling signs that somebody is white is if they go “BA BA BA” during the chorus of “Sweet Caroline”. And going by that logic, I am whiter than mayonnaise.
#27. Favorite parody song?
I know I said in some other post that thecomputernerd01’s parodies aren’t actually parodies. To quote that post: “Google defines a parody as "an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect" which isn't really what his videos are. They're more just random funny sentences set to the tune of various popular songs.” But in hindsight, that quote was really dumb. I mean, Weird Al is the most famous and beloved parody maker ever, and "Word Crimes" doesn’t make fun of Robin Thicke or his “Blurred Lines” song at all. (That’s not a dig at Weird Al at all, I think “Word Crimes” is hilarious. It’s a dig at my stupid quote more than anything.) So I’m going to pick "Froot Loops", thecomputernerd01’s parody of “Party Rock Anthem” by LMFAO. I like it a thousand times more than I like the original, and I can rap the entire verse on command.
#28. Favorite slow song?
“She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5 will always be my favorite song of theirs. I just find it really sweet and charming. I don’t know if it’s my absolute favorite slow song, but I’m too lazy to think of what my absolute favorite slow song would be.
#29. Favorite fast song?
I like a lot of uptempo songs so I don’t know what my absolute favorite is. I’ll just name a random fast song I love, which is “Time to Dance” by Panic! At The Disco. I feel like that song goes at a particularly fast speed, but I don’t know how to tell a song’s exact tempo.
#30. Favorite song at the moment?
“Nice For What” by Drake. I don’t even know why, it just makes me happy every time I hear it.
#31. Favorite song of all time?
“Shut Up And Dance” by Walk The Moon. It’s not always the song I want to listen to most, but in the grand scheme of things, it is my favorite song.

That’s all I have today. This is one of the shortest posts I’ve done, but I didn’t have the motivation to write anything super complex this week because of my excitement for the trip. As I said at the beginning, I’m not posting next week because of my vacation, but the week after that, I’ll have a post recapping my adventures. I’ll see you then. Peace!


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