Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Apology Post Number Who-Even-Knows

Not gonna do the normal "Hi, I'm Stellar, blah blah blah" stuff I always do. As you can tell from the title, I'm apologizing. Again. And I'm apologizing for the same thing I'm always apologizing for! Yippee! 

For those who are new here: that thing I'm always apologizing for is delaying posts. I was gonna review Panic! at the Disco's new album, but I'm postponing that for next week. Here's my thought process regarding this decision.

Literally months in advance, like as soon as they announced the album: Panic! at the Disco's new album, Pray for the Wicked, comes out June 22. On June 27, the first Wednesday that the album will be out, I'll publish my review of it. I will specifically not listen to ANY songs from the album so I can go into it with fresh ears. I'm so excited for new music from one of my favorite bands/artists!
Beginning of last week: Oh my god what am I gonna do for next week's post? I want to talk about something other than music, because every post I've done for the past two months or so has been music-related. Oh wait...Panic! at the Disco's new album comes out on Friday. Screw my "not-music-related post" plans. 
Last Friday: The album's out! My family is at a baseball tournament this weekend and I'm home alone. This is the perfect time to soak in the album in all its glory.
Saturday: I should be reviewing the album...but nope, binge-watching Glee is more important. Even though I've already watched the entire show. I'll do it tomorrow.
Sunday: My youngest brother went to the tournament yesterday, but he decided to stay home with me today. I'm going to have to babysit him, so I don't know when I'll listen to the album.
Monday: That's it, I'm not doing the review. I'm tired and I lack the motivation.
Yesterday: Although...I still really want to listen to the album. It's the newest album from one of my favorite bands, and the first one of their albums to be released during my time as a fan. I love talking about music, specifically music I love, and this is a band I've loved for two years. The review is back on! The album's only a little over half an hour, I can write the intro this afternoon and do the actual review tonight or tomorrow.
Today: Crap, writing the intro took way longer than I expected, and I didn't get to listen to the album at all yesterday. I have a band lesson today and I need to practice for it, so I'll just postpone the review for next week. I already have the intro written, all that's left is to listen to the album! 

I'm not sure how my schedule will be this next week considering next Wednesday is the Fourth of July and I'm American, so hell yeah I'm celebrating despite the fact that I'm pretty pissed at my government as of late, for what should be obvious reasons if you follow politics. Anyways, my family will probably have stuff planned for the Fourth, but sometime this week I can listen to the album and review it! 

So in other words:

TL;DR- I'm publishing my review of Pray for the Wicked, the latest album by Panic! at the Disco, on July 4. If you're into that, check it out. That's all for this week, I'm Stellar and I'll see you later. Peace!


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