Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Sorry Again...

Hi, it's Stellar. Just letting you know that I don't have a real post planned for today. My plan was to do another Stellar Adventures in Catalina in Neverland, and I started writing that before I realized there was a really big plothole I'm too lazy to fix. I'm not even sure if I want to keep writing those stories anymore. I started out enjoying them, but now it feels like a chore every time I write one. Plus I just feel like they're not very good stories and my writing talents are more suited to other things. But at the same time, I'd feel kind of crappy for only getting two stories in before quitting. I'm not sure what I'll do.

Another thing I had planned for posting once I decided Stellar Adventures wasn't going to happen this week was another Quickie. However, I have a really big and stressful biology project I need to work on so that's not happening either. I should have something for next week, though. I basically hinted at it last week so I'm not going to say exactly what it is, I'll just say read that post. I'll see you then.


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