Saturday, February 24, 2018

Another Important Announcement

You’re probably reading this and wondering, “Stellar, why are you posting this late on a Saturday night?” Well, I just thought I should let the maybe-one-or-two of you who read my blog know something. Just wanted to say that my computer is broken and I’m not sure how this will affect my posting schedule. My next post might come Wednesday, it might not. I’m writing this on my phone right now hahaha. I’ll let you know as I decide more things, just know I am NOT quitting on this blog. I love Stellar in Neverland too much to even consider quitting. But I’m putting this out there so you all can stay in the loop. Peace!

Completely random bitmoji- I just think it’s really cute. Besides, the Winter Olympics are almost over and figure skating is my favorite event to watch. 


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