What was my previous blog?
The Brick Wall, link here. There, I (along with five of my friends) blogged about music, traveling, random things (I have no idea how to explain Whatever Wednesday), throwbacks, fandoms (because we were embarrassing middle-schoolers), and crazy dreams. One of the things that made the Brick Wall what it was was our use of pen names, which leads us to the next question.
Which of the six Brick Wall Bloggers was I?
I know we promised not to reveal ourselves and made that very clear during our time, but I asked my Brick Wall colleagues and they all agreed it was fine as long as I did not reveal their identities. That means if you're looking to find out the true identities of Chuckles, Doglover, Banana_Elephant, Mr. Rainbow, or Quidditch_Turtle, that's too bad. And if you checked out the Brick Wall and paid attention, you will notice that yes, I was not_luna_lovegood.
Who AM I, though?
I'm going to be a lot more open about myself on here than I was on my old blog, but I'm still going to keep some things private. My first name is Emma, but I'm not going to give out my last name and I'd prefer to just be called Stellar. I'm fifteen years old and I live in a small town in the good old US of A that I'm not going to reveal the name of. I enjoy music, writing, food, hanging out with my friends and family, and staying up late taking Buzzfeed quizzes.
What's up with the new name?
When I came up with the idea to make a new blog, I wasn't sure what to name it. At first I was considering just going with not_luna_lovegood because that's what I was used to, but then I realized I probably wasn't going to be writing about Harry Potter very often and I didn't want people to think I was a Harry Potter blog. The name came to be when I was cast as Stellar (a narrator) in my elementary school's adaptation of Peter Pan. That happened four years ago but I've used Stellar as a username for many things. I randomly came up with the "in Neverland" part because I didn't want to just be Stellar, but that should be self-explanatory considering it's Peter Pan that inspired Stellar. It's not a reference to Alice in Wonderland, by the way.
What am I going to write about here?
Actually, I'm not sure yet. It probably won't be too far off from what I wrote on the Brick Wall (my first non-introductory post will be a revised version of this) but who really knows? I'm expecting that I'll probably write a lot about music, though.
When will I post?
I don't have a clear posting schedule yet, so I'll just post when I feel like it. I'll try to post often but not too often, and I'd like to create a schedule.
How can you contact me?
My email address specifically for blog-related things is stellarinneverland@gmail.com. I also have a personal email and private Instagram but I'm not going to give those out.
That's pretty much all I can think of to say here and I feel this is a pretty good introduction to my new blog. I look forward to this new phase in my life and I'll be back with my updated top 10 favorite movies soon.
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